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Dolnoserbski pšawopisny słownik
Lower Sorbian spellchecking dictionary by the Sorbian Institute.
Correcteur français en orthographe rationnelle
Ce correcteur simplifie l'orthographe selon les propositions de l'association Érofa :
- Suppression des consonnes doubles inutiles : "doner"
- Simplification des mots d'origine grecque ('ph' > 'f', 'th' > 't', etc.)
- 'x' finaux remplacés par 's'
eMail Address Finder
This finds all email addresses in Body, From, & CC fields.
It will then put them all into a single menu.
You can click on the menu & copy the address.
For those wrangling email addresses all day, it's a massive time saver.
ansitel Click-to-Dial
This plugin will call a selected number by clicking the right mouse button.
Extension for Lightning: Allows the use of Markdown in Task descriptions and renders them as HTML in the TaskView.
Just Restart/Quick Quit_TB115!
Requires Restart
Restart TB with Ctrl+Shift+Z or File->Restart.
Quick Quit all TB windows by ctrl-click on main window X
Restart on alt+click main window X
Open error console, debugger, file picker for temporary addon install at TB start (options)
Close on Escape Too
Requires Restart
Updated version of David Winter's Close Tab on Escape, ported to be compatible with Thunderbird 68 and later.
Custom sync interval for Lightning Calendar
Requires Restart
Allows custom synchronization intervals for remote calendars imported by Lightning Calendar (no fiddling in about:config necessary)
Addon Compatibility Check for TB 102/TB 115/TB 128
Checks all installed add-ons for compatibility with Thunderbird 128 (or TB 102/115) and displays status information on a button in the main toolbar. This button will open a detailed overview, including links to alternatives for abandoned add-ons.
FileLink for Plik
Plik no longer offers uploads without an account. So the add-in currently only works for self-hosted instances of the software. Currently I cannot promise a date for a fix. Sorry.
BCM Bengali (Bangladesh) Spellchecker
Spellchecker for Bengali (Bangladesh) following Bangla Academy and Prothom Alo standards: See
Gemini Proofreader
This extension uses Gemini Flash 2.0 to proofread emails when the user clicks the extension icon.
Usage requires a Gemini API key. There is a free usage tier that should be more than adequate for almost every user.
OpenAI Proofreader
This extension uses OpenAI gpt-4o-mini to proofread emails when the user clicks the extension icon.
Usage requires an OpenAI API key. OpenAI does not offer a free usage tier. Proofreading a 4-5 paragraph email costs a fraction of a cent.
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.