Compare Hotel Prices 20101101
by comparehotelprices
A free hotel prices comparison tool that searches over 30 travel sites to find the cheapest hotel rates
About this Add-on
HotelPriceCompare.net is a hotels search engine that you can use to find the hotel availability and rates, and to compare hotel prices and offers from multiple hotel reservation websites that searches over 30 travel sites. Using our service, travelers no need to browse multiple websites one by one to compare the hotel rates . Once you find the supplier suitable for your needs, we link you through to the supplier website to book directly.
Our system searches over 30 travel sites with over 900,000 hotels and compare hotel prices.
How to use this?
* Enter the city name in the search box after installing and selecting Compare Hotel Prices as the search provider in your browser.
* Receive a listing of hotels for your city. Refine your search by entering your travel dates, number of guests and rooms in the left hand side of the page.
* Receive a listing of available hotels. You can order the results by popularity,consumer ratings and price, star rating, location.
* Select your hotel and view the hotel's details including descriptions, photos, reviews and maps.
* Select the best priced reservation website for your preferred hotel to make a direct reservation, you will get redirected to their website to complete your booking.
Our system searches over 30 travel sites with over 900,000 hotels and compare hotel prices.
How to use this?
* Enter the city name in the search box after installing and selecting Compare Hotel Prices as the search provider in your browser.
* Receive a listing of hotels for your city. Refine your search by entering your travel dates, number of guests and rooms in the left hand side of the page.
* Receive a listing of available hotels. You can order the results by popularity,consumer ratings and price, star rating, location.
* Select your hotel and view the hotel's details including descriptions, photos, reviews and maps.
* Select the best priced reservation website for your preferred hotel to make a direct reservation, you will get redirected to their website to complete your booking.