True Full Screen in SeaMonkey 1.1.5
by Lemon Juice
This extension enables true full screen mode in SeaMonkey for HTML5 video players, slide-shows, etc. and also for full screen invoked manually with the F11 key.
About this Add-on
When in full screen mode the standard browser controls (navigation bar, location bar, tab bar) pop out when you move the mouse to the top of the screen and disappear as you move away from them.
This extension will be useful until SeaMonkey implements true full screen mode as a built-in feature.
Technical explanation why this extension is needed for full screen:
SeaMonkey does not support full screen natively by default (e.g. in html5 videos), however it supports full screen API, mostly. The API can be turned on by setting full-screen-api.enabled to true. You can do this in about:config and you will have almost full screen, however a small navigation bar will be visible at the top of the page. This extension will fill in the gap and get rid of the bar so you can have real full screen.
What happened to YouTube full screen in SeaMonkey 2.35 and later?
Traditionally, YouTube served its videos with the help of Flash player - an external plug-in - which could handle full screen on its own. However, YouTube is switching to html5 and SeaMonkey 2.35 and later receive an html5 player from YouTube (just like Firefox) so SeaMonkey no longer depends on Flash to do full screen. That's why in a default SeaMonkey installation no kind of full screen is available in YouTube.
SeaMonkey 2.43 and later
Since SeaMonkey 2.43 there is an improvement in how it handles full screen natively: the html5 API is enabled by default, which means that this extension is not needed to play YouTube and other videos in full screen, html5 full screen slide shows should also work fine. However, this extension can still be of a little help:
a) SeaMonkey 2.43 and later will still display the small location bar at the top if you switch to full screen on pages using F11 or the View menu option. If you want to get rid of the location bar and have it collapsible with the mouse cursor then use this extension. Html5 videos in full screen do not have the location bar in SM 2.43+, only regular web pages do.
b) If you use the Modern Theme in SM 2.43+ then the html5 full screen mode will show thin 1-pixel horizontal grey lines at the top and bottom of the screen. If they bother you then use this extension.