Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Great add-on - Thanks!

I very much like the new feature for using
the category as background for the entire
event entry.
One suggestion:

Add another option which would use the
"Calendar" color as the background for
un-categorized events, instead of using
light grey for all calendars.

You are now using the Calendar color in a
little box at the right end of each entry,
but this makes the uncategorized entries
still mostly alike.

In my experience, my main calendar has all
the categories. For other calendars, such
as for holidays or shared appointments,
it is not so convenient to set the category,
so the calendar itself acts as the category.

With this option, those "super-categories"
would look just as distinctive as the assigned

BTW, it is just fine to indicate the calendar with
its color in a small indicator and I am not
suggesting changing that at all.

How does that sound?


This review is for a previous version of the add-on (4.2). 

This feature is available in Calendar Tweaks 4.3. When coloring event backgrounds by category, there is an option to use the calendar color as the event background color, if no category color is defined.