by algotechie
About this Collection
Some of the add-ons make browsing/downloading fast/secure, some customize the look/feel, some are meant for Web designers/developers, etc. A few of the add-ons might degrade stability/speed.
14 Add-ons in this Collection
by Nils Maier, Federico Parodi, others
232 users
The first and only download manager/accelerator built inside Firefox!
Collector's Note Ubiquitous download manager; divides the file into multiple parts (if allowed by the server) thereby enhancing the download speed. You can pause and resume downloads (if supported by the site). You can add multiple files to download using batch descriptors.
FlashGot Mass Downloader
by Giorgio Maone
424 users
Download all the links, movies and audio clips of a page at the maximum speed with a single click, using the most popular, lightweight and reliable external download managers.
Collector's Note Allows you to redirect the downloads to many supported downloaded managers including DownThemAll and the external-to-the-browser ones.
Saved Password Editor
by Daniel Dawson
206 users
Adds the ability to create and edit entries in the password manager.
Collector's Note Allows you to create new entries and edit existing entries in Firefox's password manager.
User Agent Switcher
by chrispederick
157 users
The User Agent Switcher extension adds a menu and a toolbar button to switch the user agent of a browser.
Collector's Note Allows you to change the browser agent string being sent from the browser to the server while requesting content. You can add your own user agents.
Mozilla Archive Format, with MHT and Faithful Save
by Christopher Ottley, Paolo Amadini
38 users
— Open web pages saved with Internet Explorer or other browsers (MHT)
— Save many tabs, video and audio reliably, in a single ZIP file (MAFF)
— Return to the original site you saved a page from, and more!
Collector's Note An MHTML (extension MHT) file is a complete web page saved as a single file (including the elements such as pictures); an MAFF file is a ZIP based multi-page archive. This add-on enables the browser to open and save web pages in these formats.
Save Images
by Lumox
26 users
Save Images saves the images from the current tab page, from the cache, to a specified location, with either the images original file name or a file name that you specify.
Collector's Note Allows you to save customized images (for example, only the biggest image) from a web page or multiple pages with a single click.
Complete YouTube Saver
by cg-addons
104 users
Download YouTube videos in various formats including 1080p, 4K etc (DASH formats). Convert audio track from videos to MP3 or WAV, or save audio in native format (Ogg, AAC/M4A, MP3, OPUS). Save YouTube page, video, comments and subtitles to one folder
Collector's Note Allows downloading YouTube videos (including those streamed over DASH). Does not show the links to download the audio files; though in combination with FFMPEG it can download and mux audio and video-only files.
Toolbar Buttons
by Button Guy
303 users
Adds toolbar buttons to the customize toolbar window in several programs including Firefox, Thunderbird and SeaMonkey. Some of the buttons make commonly preformed actions quicker, others add new functionality.
Collector's Note Adds many buttons with useful functions to the "Customize Toolbar" dialog box (which opens when you right click a toolbar and select Customize...); you can drag the buttons to drop them on any toolbar.
by h2g2bob
7 users
UnPlug is an extension which lets you save video and audio which is embedded on a webpage - it's a video download tool.
Collector's Note Finds and downloads the media content from web pages; it allows to download videos from some websites where the other downloaders won't work.
Copy Urls Expert
by Kashif Iqbal Khan
11 users
Copy multiple urls (links) to clipboard. Provides options to copy urls of all opened tabs and urls in selected text. You can customize the format of copied urls. You can also open multiple links from clipboard.
Collector's Note Allows you to copy links in selection, or the URL's of all open tabs in all windows. You can specify a custom format for the links. Also opens a list of links in separate tabs.
by Matthew Wilson
0 users
Simulate WAP browsing by viewing WML (Wireless Markup Language) pages.
Collector's Note Enables the browser to open WML pages.
by Paul Lammertsma, Mathijs
1 user
TryAgain keeps trying to load a webpage when the server cannot be reached.
Collector's Note Reloads a web page again automatically after specified interval if the page could not be loaded for some reason.
Custom Buttons²
by SCClockDr, nicholasalipaz, others
1 user
The Custom Buttons² Firefox extension provides the code base support necessary to create, maintain, import, and export custom toolbar buttons. The buttons can perform just about any task, with a large number of buttons already available on the exte...
Collector's Note Lets you create customized buttons to add to the toolbar.
by Shivanand Sharma
0 users
FfChrome is a nifty little addon that slims and trims your context menu on the fly for simplicity, ease of use, easy access and eliminates the clutter. One addon that makes your day-to-day life easier by increasing productivity.
Collector's Note Allows you to hide specified entries in the context (right-click) menu of the page.
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Collections are groups of related add-ons that anyone can create and share.
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