dwMailCopy 0.0.10 Requires Restart
by dangerouswoo
This add-on is help for create the mail division. This add-on is converting to "(2/5)" from the string "(1/5)" in E-mail subject, after copy the mail. After now, Will be freed from onerous copy-paste work.
About this Add-on
The one-button tool for solving this task.
Create an e-mail for the main text, not divided into 12 titles in the mail, "xxxx (1/12)" I'll give it a title and the like.
Here, by pressing a button, sending mail, destination, title, copy the contents of the title "(1/12)" a "(2/12)" converts. You have now completed the second email. Additionally, when you press the button a second e-mail, "(3/12)" to create. By repeating this 12 times, no time to complete the mail division. Finally, you should be done by sticking to each email sent attachments. I do, I'll work faster.
Request from Ver.0.0.5
Added support for toolbar button palette.
The initial boot, the longer the button on the toolbar.
Compose screen view -> Toolbars -> Customize and select by You, "email copy" Please drag and drop to the toolbar.