GuifiProxy Requires Restart
by Tomás Velázquez
Simple proxy manager
- Change proxy with two clicks
- Import and export proxies lists
- Manually add, delete and edit proxies
- Automatic authentication on proxies (bypass popup with login and password)
- Proxysel replacement
About this Add-on
- Change proxy with two clicks.
- Import and export proxies lists using files.
- Import proxies from URL.
- Manually add, delete and edit proxies.
- Automatic authentication on proxies (bypass popup with login and password).
- Exception address where not to use proxies.
- Configuration's backup
Key bindings:
CTRL+ALT+P: Show preferences menu
CTRL+ALT+G: Active/Desactive use of proxy
Video: http://blip.tv/file/get/Eloirebes-GuifiProxy661.webm
Some icons from http://www.visualpharm.com/must_have_icon_set/