KnujOn Requires Restart
by SecondWheel
Forwards all emails marked Junk (as attachments) to KnujOn.com (note: they collect email reports on the coldrain.net domain). KnujOn is an organization that works to shut down junk mailers by contacting law enforcement, web hosts, etc..
About this Add-on
This extension is not developed or supported by KnujOn (though they appreciate it!).
See the homepage for detailed usage instructions. The basics: this extension will put a "Report to KnujOn" button on your toolbar (you might need to customize your toolbar buttons to make it show up...). Clicking the button will create a new email with a set of the emails marked "Junk" in the current folder attached (you can configure how many to send at a time), ready to send to KnujOn's reporting address at coldrain.net. If you are a subscriber, you can set your personal reporting address -- and/or add in any other reporting addresses you like, such as spamcop. Just click send and it will be sent -- this might take a while if you have a lot of spam! -- and those junk messages will be moved to the folder you've chosen, deleted or left alone... also configurable.