Collections by tulirebane
Charity by tulirebane
Help others and/or yourself by using these extensions. All compatible with Quantum!
Must have by tulirebane
The extensions I install to everyone I know, as they improve the experience so transparently the user won't even need to know it's there.
Theming tools by tulirebane
Extensions that change your theme dynamically based on your actions or the browsing enviroment.
Search Engines by tulirebane
Privacy-friendly and useful search engines. Supported on desktop and mobile Firefox.
New Tab Dials by tulirebane
Extensions that change your new tab page to a customized speed dial, all compatible with Quantum.
Websites by tulirebane
Extensions that change the look of or add functionality to specific websites, all compatible with Quantum.
Transparent Personas by tulirebane
Personas (also known as "themes" or "light themes") that use transparency and therefore create interesting designs in different OSes. For real transparency in browser elements, use VivaldiFox.
Windows Personas by tulirebane
Personas (also known as "themes", "light themes") that mimic the blue look of Windows Vista, 7 (Aero), 8 or 10, Explorer, IE. Toolbar images preferred, though there are some low-detail wallpapers too.
Mobile toolbar buttons by tulirebane
Extensions that add some buttons to your toolbar on Firefox for Android, all compatible with Quantum.
[Legacy] Android by tulirebane
Mobile-only extensions for Firefox for Android. Not updated for Quantum yet.
[Legacy] Look-a-like themes by tulirebane
Also known as "complete themes" - these are the ones that change Firefox's icons, shapes and other properties. Here I've collected mainly the ones that mimic other browsers. Don't work in Quantum yet!
Material Personas by tulirebane
Personas (also known as "themes" or "light themes") that are based on Google's Android Material Design - shades of blue, white and gray. Colors and shades preferred over wallpapers.
Usability by tulirebane
Extensions that improve the general browsing experience, all compatible with Quantum.
Look and feel by tulirebane
Extensions that modify Firefox's interface, like bringing back an old feature or adding something noticable to the UI, all compatible with Quantum.
Security and privacy by tulirebane
Extensions that give you additional security and privacy, some even give anonymity. All compatible with Quantum and no configuration needed, unless marked otherwise.
Extension-related by tulirebane
Extensions for extension-related features or for extending other extensions, all compatible with Quantum.
Create a New Collection
Collections make it easy to keep track of favorite add-ons and share your perfectly customized browser with others.
Create a CollectionTo create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.