Spamness 0.6.4 Requires Restart
by Ryan Lee
Visual representation of how spam-like messages are.
This add-on has been marked as experimental by its developers
About this Add-on
Spamness expects to find the X-Spam-Status (capitalization irrelevant) in a message's headers. The format should look, in RegEx form, like ^X-Spam-Status: .+ (score|hits)=-?[0-9]+.[0-9] required=-?[0-9]+.[0-9]+ ?.?$. The most important part is the phrase score= or hits= followed by a floating point to the tenths place, followed by a space, and the phrase required= followed by a floating point to the tenths place, followed by either a space or nothing. They need not be in any order, they just need to be within the header as described. For example, X-Spam-Status: hits=95.0 required=1.9 would satisfy the format Spamness expects.