Search Results for tag "firefox57"

Folders for search, onDisk Status- Glodaquilla-NG:

Global Search/Indexing Enhancements/ On Disk Status for IMAP
Permits selective enabling and disabling of search indexing on folders or accounts - with inheritence. Extra columns can show whether a mail is stored on disk and its indexing status.

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38 users

Filter on Folder Button

act. version 1.6.1 for Tb >= 128.x

Toolbar menu button with filter functions.
- run filter on folder
- run filter on message
- show filter dlg
- create filter from message

with hotkeys, theme support, languages de, en, fr, es, it

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (26)
1,364 users

Proton Mail - Quick Access

Quick Access to Proton Mail in a new tab with just one click on a simple, stylish icon button on your Spaces toolbar.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (2)
226 users

@Contact Mention

This add-on mimics the mentions behavior on Outlook when mentioning a contact with the '@' sign. The contact selected is added as a link in the email body as well as to the recipent list of the email.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (10)
1,513 users

eMail Address Finder

This finds all email addresses in Body, From, & CC fields.

It will then put them all into a single menu.

You can click on the menu & copy the address.

For those wrangling email addresses all day, it's a massive time saver.

Not yet rated
83 users

Copy Timestamp

Copy the timestamp and/or email addresses of the sender, recipient, etc. to the clipboard in various formats.

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60 users

Open in XPS | XPSLogic

U kunt met deze extensie tickets en taken openen door middel van de knop open in XPS

Er moet wel eerst een client worden ingevuld dit kunt u invullen onder opties

Not yet rated
6 users


This AddOn offers a function of autocorrection / auto text replacement. You can save a shortcut and a replacement and it will replaced automaticly if you type your new eMail text.

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80 users

Account Check

Checks account settings against those listed in the Thunderbird autoconfig database and offers to fix settings that don't match. This is the same check performed when setting up an account.

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11 users


The add-on ensures that the quoted text in your reply is clearly highlighted with a vertical blue line, even when viewed by recipients using different email clients like Gmail or macOS, by using inline CSS on the blockquote HTML tag.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (3)
52 users

ChatGPT Addon

Integrates ChatGPT with Thunderbird for quick and easy access to its conversational AI capabilities.

Not yet rated
301 users

iCanban - Kanban with ICAL

Rated 3 out of 5 stars (4)
131 users

Redo Button

Adds a Redo button to Thunderbird compose toolbar

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (1)
115 users

Undo Button

Adds an Undo button to Thunderbird compose toolbar

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (1)
207 users

Paste code

Thunderbird addon creating a context menu option that pastes code beautifully in HTML messages

Not yet rated
168 users

Mark Read on Tab Open

Mark messages as read when you open them in tabs.

Not yet rated
43 users

Discord - Quick Access

Quick Access to Discord in a new tab with just one click on a simple, stylish icon button on your Spaces toolbar.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (1)
156 users / AnonAddy for Thunderbird

Adds a button to the message composition window which updates recipient addresses to route the outbound message through or a self-hosted AnonAddy server, so your real, private email address isn't exposed to recipients.

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20 users

Trello - Quick Access

Quick Access to Trello in a new tab with just one click on a simple, stylish icon button on your Spaces toolbar.

Not yet rated
229 users


WES Solucoes Tecnologicas Ltda

Not yet rated
8 users