Search Results for tag "firefox57"


ObsidianClipper is a Thunderbird extension to clip emails to the Obsidian notetaking application. Save an email to Obsidian seamlessly with one click. Customize the format of new note titles and note layout.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (7)
450 users

Correcteur français en orthographe rationnelle

Ce correcteur simplifie l'orthographe selon les propositions de l'association Érofa :
- Suppression des consonnes doubles inutiles : "doner"
- Simplification des mots d'origine grecque ('ph' > 'f', 'th' > 't', etc.)
- 'x' finaux remplacés par 's'

Rated 2 out of 5 stars (4)
2,924 users

BorderColors D

Shows a colorful border around the "New Message" window, so you can tell different identities apart.

Builds on the original BorderColors and the "GT" version, adding different border styles.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (35)
7,770 users

ansitel Click-to-Dial

This plugin will call a selected number by clicking the right mouse button.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (1)
90 users


Extension for Lightning: Allows the use of Markdown in Task descriptions and renders them as HTML in the TaskView.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (3)
39 users


Thank you to like this add-on up to now.
TaskDescriptions end in Thunderbird version 78s.

Now on, I start development of independent window entity programs.

August 01st 2021.


Not yet rated
6 users

Console messaging example

Console messaging example add-on

Not yet rated
3 users

Archive old messages

A context menu item to archive all messages than older than a given duration.

Not yet rated
461 users

Search for

Context menu on message allowing quick filtering based on email/sender or domain

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (7)
1,506 users

Open in browser

A context menu item to open the links associated with feed items in the default browser and then mark them as read.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (1)
331 users

Cypherdog Encryption

Encrypt any file, any text, and share via any medium, any time

Not yet rated
35 users


Rewrite or generate text based on promps using OpenAI's API.

Configure on settings page (make sure to save) and start to use when writing your emails!

You must have a payment method on record with OpenAI and an API key. OpenAI charge for use.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (10)
379 users

Gemini Proofreader

This extension uses Gemini Flash 2.0 to proofread emails when the user clicks the extension icon.

Usage requires a Gemini API key. There is a free usage tier that should be more than adequate for almost every user.

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7 users

OpenAI Proofreader

This extension uses OpenAI gpt-4o-mini to proofread emails when the user clicks the extension icon.

Usage requires an OpenAI API key. OpenAI does not offer a free usage tier. Proofreading a 4-5 paragraph email costs a fraction of a cent.

Not yet rated
6 users


A simple calculator for Thunderbird/Sea Monkey/Firefox, available in a pop-up window or a separate tab.

Not yet rated
2 users


AddOn to save a text zoom for eMail text editor.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (3)
123 users

Telegram Web in Thunderbird

Open Telegram Web in Thunderbird

Rated 5 out of 5 stars (5)
703 users

Autofile - fast e-mail to folder filing

Read an e-mail, hit Autofile button and it is filed / moved to the right mail folder based on the sender's address. No drag/drop needed. Autofile can discover folders to store each author mail. Will save you lots of time like defunct filemail.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars (6)
309 users


The Altium Forums are the best way to participate in discussions, share tips, ask/answer questions and locate resources.

Not yet rated
1 user

Aranese spell checker

Aranese (Occitan) spell checker - Diccionari ortogràfic d'Aranés

Not yet rated
15 users