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Copy Timestamp
Copy the timestamp and/or email addresses of the sender, recipient, etc. to the clipboard in various formats.
A Thunderbird extension to clip messages and send them to the TriliumNext note taking application.
Paste code
Thunderbird addon creating a context menu option that pastes code beautifully in HTML messages
@Contact Mention
This add-on mimics the mentions behavior on Outlook when mentioning a contact with the '@' sign. The contact selected is added as a link in the email body as well as to the recipent list of the email.
AI Anywhere for ChatGPT
Press "Alt + i" or use context menu to quickly access:
- ChatGPT (OpenAI)
- GitHub Copilot (Microsoft)
- Claude (Anthropic)
- Gemini (Google)
- Grok (X)
Open in XPS | XPSLogic
U kunt met deze extensie tickets en taken openen door middel van de knop open in XPS
Er moet wel eerst een client worden ingevuld dit kunt u invullen onder opties
Filter on Folder Button
act. version 1.6.1 for Tb >= 128.x
Toolbar menu button with filter functions.
- run filter on folder
- run filter on message
- show filter dlg
- create filter from message
with hotkeys, theme support, languages de, en, fr, es, it
Discord - Quick Access
Quick Access to Discord in a new tab with just one click on a simple, stylish icon button on your Spaces toolbar.
Proton Mail - Quick Access
Quick Access to Proton Mail in a new tab with just one click on a simple, stylish icon button on your Spaces toolbar.
Correcteur français en orthographe rationnelle
Ce correcteur simplifie l'orthographe selon les propositions de l'association Érofa :
- Suppression des consonnes doubles inutiles : "doner"
- Simplification des mots d'origine grecque ('ph' > 'f', 'th' > 't', etc.)
- 'x' finaux remplacés par 's'
ObsidianClipper is a Thunderbird extension to clip emails to the Obsidian notetaking application. Save an email to Obsidian seamlessly with one click. Customize the format of new note titles and note layout.
Sendet E-Mails an einen Server
Note: This extension saves messages on a server. Sensitive data may be transmitted. Depending on the type of connection, this data may also be unencrypted.
Trello - Quick Access
Quick Access to Trello in a new tab with just one click on a simple, stylish icon button on your Spaces toolbar.
ChatGPT Addon
Integrates ChatGPT with Thunderbird for quick and easy access to its conversational AI capabilities.
iCanban - Kanban with ICAL
This AddOn offers a function of autocorrection / auto text replacement. You can save a shortcut and a replacement and it will replaced automaticly if you type your new eMail text.
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.