Zombie Keys (Multilanguage Keyboard) 2.22 Requires Restart
by Realraven (Axel Grude), Kai Bolay
Enter accents, diacritics, diaeresis, umlauts, ligatures etc. with keyboards of various countries (us,uk,ie,fr,it,ru,de,sv) - via easy to remember shortcuts or menu. Also supports all textboxes of the application (such as search, filters).
About this Add-on
This extension implements Microsoft's Keyboard shortcuts for international characters (http://office.microsoft.com/assistance/hfws.aspx?AssetID=HP051865621033), äñḍ ţḫėņ şøṁẹ mōřẹ ¡
Use Zombie Keys and bring dead keys to life!
For support please go to http://zombiekeys.mozdev.org/
Latest Betas / Prereleases: http://downloads.mozdev.org/zombiekeys/
This extension addresses Bug 270439 (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=270439).