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CloseReviews for Edit Email Subject (EES)
129 reviews for this add-on
Rated 2 out of 5 stars
It was 5 stars and indispensable but it's stopped working. Is it still supported and if so how do I get it working again? Or is it dead?
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
It works very well and has become essential for me, because a lot of people misuse email and especially the subject: they give appointments without giving the date in the subject, or they change the subject of discussion without changing the subject of the message. I think it's now possible to change the subject of the message several times, whereas in the old versions there was a warning message saying that this might create a problem.
It was enough when version 6.1 created a copy of the original message in the same folder, I understand the annoyance of people who don't understand the EES-Temp folder.
Thank you very much.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Great for dealing with subject lines, but it's suddenly stopped functioning. I'm still on Tbird version 115.5.1
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Great when it works, but about 50% of the time once I change the subject line a big "x"pops displays on my screen, saying the editing failed. Often times though, if I close Thurnderbird and re-open it , the editing actually worked. Developers please fix this issue since I really need/like this add-on and would like to continue using it. Reading through the reviews here, it looks like others are having the same issue.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Perfekt !
Thank you very much
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
Nach dem Update auf Thunderbird 128.3.3esr öffnet sich das Addon ergänzender Text kann eingegeben werden, dann nur noch Sanduhr und bleibt hängen.
Beim abrechen folgende Meldung: Diese Seite bittet um Bestätigung, dass Sie die Seite verlassen möchten - von Ihnen eingegebene Informationen werden unter Umständen nicht gespeichert. Hat mit ES-Temp Berechtigungen zu tun. Habe Workaround gefunden.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Very good, thank you. Still, would like to have an ability to hide the EES folder. I am not using this folder and it bothers me to see this useless item before my eyes all the time. Thanks again.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
A module I've been enjoying for a long time, to correct carelessness on email subjects.
But this function is no longer available on Thunderbird versions 116 and later. What a shame!
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
Does Not Work for me at all.
Thunderbird 115.12.2 (SuperNova up-to-date) on Windows 11 Pro.
Account is IMAP.
I tried with "Back up email into local folder..." checked and not checked.
I get a "busy" icon, followed briefly by a big red Circle with a white "X" in it, then nothing.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Works absolutely perfectly for me. Thanks ! - its is really useful and I wouldn't be without it.
I only use local folders, no imap. Thunderbird ver 115.2.3
What I would really like to see is
- a button for the top menu bar instead of having to right click.
- a way to hide the EES-Temp folder as I dont use it and have the settings to NOT back up email into the local folder EES-Temp
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
Tested only twice but seems to work pretty well under TB v.115.8. There is a loader upon editing subject, probably related to saving email in temporary 'EES-temp' local folder before renaming it. It last 2 seconds max for me on an old computer. Still surprising to have this loader indicating some slow process, even for 2 seconds, but all in all, up to now, this seems to work well and as expected.
However, as someone below noted, it seems to work only in the inbox, not in other folders. In other folders it appears to yied an error. However when refreshing the given folder, subject editing actually worked.
I'm also just surprised this is a standard Thunderbird feature (or a default pre-installed add-one) and that an add-on would be required to be installed for this.
I am trying to resolve the long-wait time. The technical background here is that the entire message is modified, and not just an entry in a Thunderbird DB. If you have multiple email clients (on your phone, tablet and maybe a second Thunderbird somewhere else), they all get the updated subject. That however means I have to wait for your IMAP server to ack the change, and that is what takes so long. Renaming a message in a local folder should be instant.
Some email servers (for example google), ignore such update requests and TB never gets the ack from the server. I am trying to fix that, but have not found a handle yet.
As for "why is this not a default feature". The idea of add-ons is that users can enhance Thunderbird with features they need. Who decides what is a basic function and should be part of core? That is a tough one. We have 10M+ users and everybody has different needs. If we add all the add-ons which someone considers as "basic", we would have no more add-ons and TB would be a over-complex product with a crowded UI (we already have that issue now).
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
It doesn't work when the folders are in unified mode.
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
Extremely useful and easy to use.
As others have noted, the renaming dialogue produces a spinner, then an "X" and seems to have failed. But, it hasn't actually failed. The renamed mail finally appears right next to the original version, which I then delete.
Unfortunately the above spinner+X process happens at every renaming, and takes between 10-15 seconds, during which nothing else can be done. A significant upgrade would reduce the wait to a second or two.
Thanks for a nice add-on and for listening.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Pretty neat! Very useful in some occasions.
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
In v115, the dialog to do the renaming produces a spinner then an "X" and leaves you in the dialog as if the renaming has failed. However, it hasn't actually failed. The add-on needs a bit of attention from the developer. Thnx!
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
The EES was updated on the 4th July 2023 and now you can only update the EES from the inbox only. If you move to a different folder it no longer allows you to change the Subject. Other than that its a great option to change the EES
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
Somehow this modifies the message body with ä and ö to show for example ä as ä
Edit: Seems to be fixed in for the version TB115, but clearly the 115 version is not ready to use daily in production yet. Shame...
Fixed in the version for TB115.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
I only found your add-on after I figured out how to do this manually. It's easy to alter 'To' and 'From' and 'Dates' too. Video is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yh0lUL9sOdg
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (6.2).Rated 3 out of 5 stars
Funktioniert soweit gut. Man kann lokale TB-DB auswählen, oder sogar auf dem IMAP Server ändern.
Aber es kann keine Umlaute (ä, ü, ö, ß), was für deutsche Mails ein Schwachpunkt ist.
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
Bonjour ,
impossible d éditer le sujet du mail lorsqu on est sur le message ?
je regrette le raccourci 'CTRL E ' c était si pratique :-)
merci pour cette appli
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