Rated 4 out of 5 stars

I have many search but impossible to found where contact people who make this addon.
It's a very good addon but it have a problem : when it's activate firefox always open it's configuration when firefox open.

Rémi (pazelty 'at' free 'dot' fr

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (1.3.5). 

Hi Rémi. Thank you very much for your feedback. Excuse my delay on answer you.

I have updated the extension site with contact info http://www.islabinaria.com/samu/wordreference-translator/ and disabled the "Hide email address" on this site.

Could you answer me to this?
1.- What O.S. and version of Firefox do you use?
2.- In which language your Firefox is? In which language do you (try to) set WR Translator when the config dialog appears?
3.- Type "about:config" on your Firefox address bar, and filter by "extensions.wrtranslator.". What do you see? After the first execution, "extensions.wrtranslator.firstexec" should be automatically set to false.

Thank you again!
