Managing and Filing Emails
by AltanaESP Pty Ltd
About this Collection
Dealing with plenty of emails, and to manage and file emails for quick references, are greatly enhanced by add-ons in this collection.
17 Add-ons in this Collection
by Christian Eyrich
23 users
Enables toggling of Replied/Forwarded states of messages.
Collector's Note It happens on occasion that you replied to or forward an email, however this wasn't an action that you would like to keep record of. The ToggleReplied add-on allows you to "switch-off" this reply reference of the email.
Reject Button 1.0
by Mambres
0 users
Annoyed by receiving mails with missing or wrong subjects or meaningless message bodies? Simply reject them with the Reject Button Add-On and enforce proper e-mail etiquette at the cost of just a few friendships.
Collector's Note Modern Day Etiquette and email ethics are appalling, and often complicate the manner in which one is trying to managing one's emails unnecessarily. The RejectButton add-on is a quick and easy way of "rejecting" an unsuitable email, with reasons as to why you reject the email or find it unsuitable. The email is then returned to the sender, with an indication why you regard the email as below standard. The RejectButton add-on doesn't add any useful feature to Thunderbird, but is quite handy when attempting to improve the etiquette, ethics and standards of sending/responding to emails.
Results 16–17 of 17
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