Search Tools
1,664 add-ons
by EduRebecca
8 weekly downloads
Procure por posicionamentos no SEM RUSH - Desenvolvimento do add-on: EduRebecca
Torrent SSL
by ipduh
8 weekly downloads
Search for Torrents across all the Torrent Trackers and Torrent Directories with the IPduh Torrent Search. All queries are transmitted to IPduh over an encrypted connection.
SEO Browser
by EduRebecca
8 weekly downloads
Analise seu site no SEO Browser - Desenvolvimento da busca integrada: EduRebecca
38p SSLdocSearch
by 38p
8 weekly downloads
Google File Search provider for different file formats such as .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .pdf, .ps, .xml, .java, .swf, .gif and up-to 38 different file formats. Google search suggest, hosted @ Google App Engine powered by Google SSL.
Immunity Zone - Internet Freedom on Demand
by MindProtectionKit
8 weekly downloads
Immunity Zone is an on Demand Virtual Browser. It immunizes against web attacks and makes you invisible on the web. All pages are loaded on our servers and displayed by a Browser-inside-a-Browser. It disables Web Tracking and Browser Fingerprinting.
Internet Archive: Wayback Machine
by bx
8 weekly downloads search, goes to the latest result directly
metacritic search
by Jan
8 weekly downloads
Search for critic ratings at
GigaBlast Search
by SomeOne
8 weekly downloads is an open source search engine. This extension adds GigaBlast to your firefox search engines list.
As Seen On TV
by As Seen On TV
8 weekly downloads
Search thousands of genuine As Seen On TV products with the Official As Seen On TV add-on. This add-on is provided by As Seen On TV, Inc. search
by Devin WIlson
8 weekly downloads
Search to watch movies and shows online free made by Devin Wilson
I do not own im just a user of the site
benefind - Sie suchen, wir spenden.
by benefind
7 weekly downloads
Mit jeder einzelnen Suchanfrage unterstützen Sie eine Organisation Ihrer Wahl!
Suche über + Vorschläge (
by stef
7 weekly downloads
Durchsuche (Google Schweiz) mit Vorschlägen.
Private Suche (ehemalige Anfragen gehen nicht in die Suchergebnisse ein) / Domain wechseln (verfügbar: .de, .at, .ch, .com) / Bilder, Videos, News, Maps, Shopping, Bücher, Blogs
by buddyfetch
7 weekly downloads
Search for new friends, dates, and professional contacts over hundreds of social networks
Additional Resources
- Learn more about the search bar in Firefox for Android
- Browse through even more search providers at
- Make your own search tool
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.