Search Tools
1,664 add-ons
Today Deals
by tripfreak
3 weekly downloads
We search over 30 travel websites so you don't have to! Visit us at to access the full features. - Compare Hotel Prices
by Hoteloogle
3 weekly downloads - Compare hotel prices and availability from all major hotel reservation websites such as Hotels,com, Expedia, Booking,com & many more. And from thousands of official hotel websites.
800,000+ hotels in 120,000 destinations worldwide.
Google LV Latviski Latvian
by Kangarooo
3 weekly downloads
Search Google Latviski / Latvian by Kangarooo
Diccionario panhispánico de dudas
by Joaquin Moran Salama
3 weekly downloads
Real Academia Española - Diccionario panhispánico de dudas
openSUSE Feature Look-up
by Sascha Peilicke
3 weekly downloads
Look-up features in the openSUSE FATE database
by Scott Ferguson
3 weekly downloads
Use Google SSL to search the last month of the Debian-kde mailing list posts
by Cao Lâm
3 weekly downloads that doesn't default to local Google site when outside VN, without restricting search to the Vietnamese language
Google SSL,en-US,verbatim
by kang
3 weekly downloads over SSL, verbatim results, that doesn't default to local Google site when outside the USA, without restricting search to the English language.
find that file
by findthatfile
3 weekly downloads
Search for files on the Internet for audio, video, documents, and everything else
Postgres9.1 Doc
by FireBiker
3 weekly downloads
This OpenSearch add-on adds a custom search provider to your Firefox or Internet Explorer search bar to quickly search the Postgresql website ( using google search with version 9.1 filter.
bitSE .bit
by naypalm
3 weekly downloads
bitSE is the worlds leading .bit Namecoin Search Engine! Namecoin is now nearing it's one-year anniversary and thousands of websites have already made the switch! Be the first to search a growing network technology!
Who is Lookup Tool
by webtoolz
3 weekly downloads
whois lookup get the complete website/IP whois on where this tool used to get domain whois and ip whois (who is ip)
MX Tool Box
by EduRebecca
3 weekly downloads
All of your MX record, DNS, blacklist and SMTP diagnostics in one integrated tool - Desenvolvimento do add-on: EduRebecca
ADB Search
by ET Labs
3 weekly downloads
Search through the Ang Dating Biblia (ADB) with ease. Powered by BiblePub.
Additional Resources
- Learn more about the search bar in Firefox for Android
- Browse through even more search providers at
- Make your own search tool
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.