1,075 add-ons
3 weekly downloads
Wyszukiwarka portalu (News, Software, Hardware). Znajdź najlepsze programy i gry!
SourceForge search plugin
by sagar38
3 weekly downloads
This search plugin allows you to search in Sourceforge.
Google Belarus Search
by Andrej Zacharevič
3 weekly downloads
Search in Belarus in russian or in belarussian (or any) with
Googeefree Search Plugin
by Greg Hosilyk
3 weekly downloads
Now you can search Google without getting Experts-exchange results.
by CarSearch
3 weekly downloads
Firefox Search add-on for with Search Suggestions feature.
Google ScholarFr
by Alexandre Girardot
3 weekly downloads
Google Scholar France : Recherche d'articles et publications scientifiques Google
Project Gutenberg
by charlener
3 weekly downloads
Search engine add-on for public domain e-books in Project Gutenberg via book title search.
Whirlpool Forums
by mn
2 weekly downloads
Keyword search of all public threads on right from the search bar.
EdocFind Ebook PDF Search Engine
by the_lifebook
2 weekly downloads
EBOOKS, PDF, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel Files and Flash Animations Search Engine
by Scott Ferguson
2 weekly downloads
Use Google SSL to search Google+ posts
This Opensearch plugin is faster and uses less bandwidth than the default Google+ search plugin which uses a lot of images.
Includes Google Suggestions (wowee).
Google Forum(discussion) Search
by Paul Newman
2 weekly downloads
Conduct Forum(discussion) Searches using Google's own Search Engine Modifiers.
This is the only option to search forums within Google (using their modifiers).
Szukaj Paczki Poczta Polska
by IvanKidmanovic
2 weekly downloads
Narzedzie wyszukiwania paczek Poczty Polskiej. Do wyboru z paska wyszukiwarek
Google Stackoverflow
by org.sunjw.firefox.addon
2 weekly downloads
Searching through Google.
Motherpipe Anonymt Sök
by Motherpipe
2 weekly downloads
Motherpipe är en anonym sökmotor. Inga cookies, ingen tracking och ingen loggning av personliga data. Denna add-on lägger till Motherpipe som förstaval för Firefox sökbox, adressbar och sök från högerklick. Nu med Twitter.
Arch Packages
by Nikolay Frantsev
2 weekly downloads
Provides search Arch Linux packages on
Additional Resources
- Learn more about the search bar in Firefox
- Browse through even more search providers at
- Make your own search tool
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.