British English Dictionary (Marco Pinto) Version History

140 versions

Be careful with old versions!

These versions are displayed for reference and testing purposes. You should always use the latest version of an add-on.

Version 2.78 350.3 KiB

— 1 255 new words (1)
(1) Added tons of plurals/possessives (WIP).

Version 2.77 350.1 KiB

— 1 081 new words (1)
(1) At least, because TOTAL_NEW_WORDS = TOTAL_CURRENT_WORDS - TOTAL_PREVIOUS_WORDS and there were tons of duplicates removed and cleaned/simplified the .dic. There were also tons of plurals/possessives added (WIP).

Version 2.76 351.5 KiB

— 1 705 new words (1)

(1) At least, because TOTAL_NEW_WORDS = TOTAL_CURRENT_WORDS - TOTAL_PREVIOUS_WORDS and there were tons of duplicates removed and cleaned/simplified the .dic. There were also tons of plurals/possessives added (WIP).

Version 2.75 350.4 KiB

— 2 822 new words (1)
(1) At least, because TOTAL_NEW_WORDS = TOTAL_CURRENT_WORDS - TOTAL_PREVIOUS_WORDS and there were tons of duplicates removed and cleaned/simplified the .dic. There were also tons of plurals/possessives added (WIP).

Also, improved several flags in the .aff file in order to merge words using flags (reduced the .dic size).

Version 2.74 354.4 KiB

— 180 new words (1)
(1) At least, because TOTAL_NEW_WORDS = TOTAL_CURRENT_WORDS - TOTAL_PREVIOUS_WORDS and there were tons of duplicates removed and cleaned/simplified the .dic. There were also tons of plurals/possessives added (WIP).

Version 2.73 355.5 KiB

— 614 new words
— Cleaned the .dic file

Version 2.72 355.4 KiB

— 458 new words

Version 2.71 354.5 KiB

— 2 358 new words;
— Tons of suggestions from Ding-adong and others found based on them;
— Wordlist increased around 1800 words due to an improvement in FLAG P by Ding-adong adding the plural -nesses.

Version 2.70.1 353.5 KiB

Last night all Thunderbird add-ons on ATN were automatic migrated to WebExtension format.

Mine was already a WebExtension, uploaded with the help of an administrator, and became damaged (corrupted).

Now I have reuploaded it as 2.70.1.

Version 2.70 353.5 KiB

— 1 046 new words.
Tons of suggestions from Ding-adong and others found based on them.

Version 2.69 349.2 KiB

— 764 new words

Version 2.68 348.4 KiB

- 1 175 new words.

This is a Legacy Extension. Thunderbird 66+ will require the WebExtension used by Firefox.

At the end of January, Thunderbird 60.5 will be released and it will support WebExtensions.

Version 2.67 346.2 KiB

- 1 529 new words;
- Added tons of cities from Canada;
- Added names and terms related to statistics/maths.

Version 2.66 342.7 KiB

- 1 138 new words
- Added tons of possessives to nouns, thanks to Jörg Knobloch.

Version 2.65 341.7 KiB

- 5 225 new words
- Added the cities from Australia by population (since they are in English):
- Added tons of cities from the US with a 10 000+ population (since they are in English).
This list was supplied by Michael Holroyd on Kevin Atkinson's GitHub.
- Added tons of possessives to nouns, thanks to Jörg Knobloch.

Version 2.64 333.9 KiB

V2.64 - 1-SEP-2018

- 14 713 new words.

Added tons of UK names of places plus their possessives.

I know I have spent around four months adding the places names with copy/paste, but since the "databases" were huge, I automatised the process.

It is possible that now near 100% of the UK (at least England) places names are in the speller.

Version 2.63 309.3 KiB

V2.63 - 1-AUG-2018

- 5 101 new words.

Added tons of names of places plus their possessives.
Added tons of common prescription drugs and their possessives.

Version 2.62 327.9 KiB

V2.62 - 1-JUL-2018

- 7 101 new words.

Added tons of names of places plus their possessives.

It is WIP (Work in Progress) since Peter C. sent me a list of English parishes containing around 9000 names.

It will take months to have them added since I am NOT doing it automatically for more accuracy.

Version 2.61 313.1 KiB


- 3 656 new words

Places from England/New Zealand:
On V2.61 I included tons of towns.
My scientist friend, Peter McGavin, told me that in NZ they use British, so I decided to do something about it. I did the same for UK. I searched on Wikipedia for "towns", "counties", "villages", etc. and based myself also on:
For a more accurate work I should check which towns are already in with the possessives missing. It is in my TO-DO list.

Version 2.60 305.2 KiB

- 857 new words.

Version 2.59 303.2 KiB

- 820 new words.

Version 2.58 301.2 KiB

- 1208 new words including lots of Christian/Jewish words and proper names.

Version 2.57 298.5 KiB

- 1421 new words, including around 400 proper names;
- "movie" added after lots of complains.

Version 2.56 295.3 KiB

This is my Christmas present for the community, released on 25-DEC.

People complaining that most proper names didn't have possessives PLUS the missing of tons of proper names has been improved.

I checked name by name in the wordlist and added possessives to most of them (A-Z), over 90% added.

- 3034 new words, mostly possessives for proper names and proper names (500+ proper names)

Version 2.55 292.6 KiB

- 1483 new words, mostly possessives for proper names (A-G so far)

Version 2.54 291.3 KiB

- 824 new words

Version 2.53 289.2 KiB

- 467 new words

Version 2.52 288.2 KiB

- 297 new words

Version 2.51 287.5 KiB

- 473 new words

Version 2.50 286.4 KiB

- 433 new words