Reviews for tbkeys-lite
62 reviews for this add-on
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Life saver!
The absolute worst shortcut in Thunderbird is CTRL+W (close compose window instantly without saving draft) which is right next to CTRL+S (Save draft) and also CTRL+A (Select all) so at least once a week I lose a long-winded email I am typing in an absolutely unsaveable way because I'm not a perfect typist.
With this add-on I simply disable that shockingly bad functionality by putting "CTRL+W" : "" into the second box.
Winner! <3
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
I wish I had found this earlier! Close on escape is back!
I just enter the add-on's options and enter:
"esc": "tbkeys:closeMessageAndRefresh"
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
This is a very useful addon which helped me to unbind "j" key to prevent emails marked as junk and moved into spam folder.
I accidentally pressed "j" key many times due to Thinkpad keyboard TrackPoint navigation thing, while using it the middle finger lies on "j" key and you press it occasionally. Not anymore!
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Very convenient tool for arranging keyboard shortcuts. Nice declarative configuration.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (2.2.0).Rated 1 out of 5 stars
This one still requires a lot of work to do. As said before, it is just an awkward development version which should not be in public access acting as some "addon".
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (2.2.0).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Does what I want, to turn off all keys. I've never needed the single-key convenience and I've accidentally deleted emails when I didn't realize the focus was on Thunderbird. Thanks!
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (2.2.0).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Works great, so nice to be able to configure keys again!
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (2.2.0).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
It is great to have this functionality available again! I've been missing KeyConfig ever since it's development was continued.
Don't be scared off by the disclaimer about tbkeys not being user-friendly; if you've got a little patience, you can figure it out.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Great add-on!
How can I add binding to switch folder and email list panels?
h - switch to folder panel
l - switch to email list panel
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Thank you very much for this add-on! I just registered here to show my appreciation. :)
Now, I can finally scroll in the preview window, using:
"j": "window.document.getElementById('messagepane').contentDocument.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].scrollBy(0, 10)",
"k": "window.document.getElementById('messagepane').contentDocument.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].scrollBy(0, -10)"
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
As others have said, really great to have this back, even if the interface isn't that great. I don't mind having a clumsy interface once in a while if this means creating the best interface for myself with dedicated shortcut keys.
What I really missed, and got back in minutes, was the ability to filter a message with a single keystroke. I'm using this so much that I assigned it to multiple keys:
"f": "cmd:cmd_applyFiltersToSelection",
"j": "cmd:cmd_applyFiltersToSelection",
It immediately worked, and felt great.
I think functionality to change keyboard shortcuts should be part of every frequently used program, and an email program is definitely something that's frequently used. So something like this should be built into Thunderbird from the start.
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
Tbkeys-Lite does not close tabs on esc ("esc": "func:CloseTabOrWindow") on tabs selected from rss feed folders. Obvious when more than 1 tab needs to be closed. Can this be fixed or is there a work-around? ThunderbirdESR 78.14 portable upgraded to 91.2.1.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (2.1.3).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Great app, does everything it needs to and nothing more. Only thing that would make it a little easier is to link to the list of available for commands but that info can be found with a little Internet searching.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (2.1.3).Rated 1 out of 5 stars
Why is this so hard?
TB keyboard shortcuts are ruining my email folders, because they do unexpected things I didn't intend.
How can I disable keyboard shortcuts in TB?, I asked.
The answer: tbkeys-lite is the best solution.
So I learn how to install add-ons (not hard) and I install tbkeys-lite.
Now I've got a big mystery! How do you make it do anything?
There appears to be a complex syntax for specifying the actions associated with individual key combinations.
I want to USE TB, not learn its innermost secrets.
I don't want to be a TB developer, although I certainly appreciate what they do.
All I want is a clearly-labeled button:
Poking around blindly, looking for something that will DO something, I eventually click on the wrench icon.
That gives me a page with a couple of panes (no explanation about what they mean) and --Lo and Behold!-- a button that says something like "Disable Singles."
(I can't remember exactly what it said and I am prevented from seeing it while I am typing this review.)
That looks like a possible step in the right direction, so I click it.
One of the panes is immediately populated with more gobbledygook. Don't know what it means but maybe it'll help cut down on inadvertent actions, so I click "SAVE."
Did that do it?
Will I ever be presented with a simple switch in TB Settings that will let me turn off keyboard shortcuts?
The single star review is not for tbkeys-lite itself (it probably does all sorts of wonderful things for people with the right arcane skills) but for the attitude that says this could be the best solution for an end-user.
I learned a long time ago (with Firefox) that customizing an app's behavior with add-ons is a good way to waste your time. Soon the app is updated and the add-on no longer works. You have to install the newer version of the add-on. After a while, the guy who wrote the add-on gets tired or moves on, so the add-on simply dies.
Fair enough. I tried to add some disclaimer to the summary. The character count is very limited so I could not put much in.
I was thinking that an add-on listing with no description linking to a GitHub page describing entering Thunderbird internal commands into JSON objects for its customization would be discouragement enough for users wanting a simple workflow.
I sympathize with your underlying complaint. I made tbkeys because I wanted to control my keybindings. As implemented, it does just enough for me to do that. It could be polished a lot more, but I don't have the time and an add-on isn't the right place for this kind of feature any way. Keyboard customization should be built into the application.
Regarding add-ons dying -- yes, this add-on is a follow up to a previous one called Keyconfig that had a good run from 2004 to 2019 but did not survive the changes made in Thunderbird 68. I published tbkeys to help others stranded by the loss of Keyconfig and to benefit from their help as well, as future updates to Thunderbird will break this add-on as well and require further maintenance.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Thank you so much!! <3
I can't tell you how much I missed "ctrl+d": "cmd:cmd_delete" from my good old eudora functions ;-)
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
I also gotta thank you a LOT for the option to use
"ctrl+enter": "unset"
to prevent accidental message sending. To anyone coming after me: Be sure to put that command into the "Compose key bindings" window, not the "Main key bindings" one where the rest of the initial bindings is.
edit: Unfortunately whenever I start Thunderbird the unsetting of Ctrl-Enter is inactive until I switch the addon off and on again. Sadly this means that the addon is useless to me right now.
edit2: For some reason the error has disappeared again for now. I have no idea what's different, but I can use the add-on again.
Sorry that the add-on could not do what you wanted. You can open an issue at if you like. I tried to reproduce your issue but could not. "ctrl+enter" remained unset for me after restarting Thunderbird.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
I use this everyday!
(Just one small snag - if you change your profile location, as I did, you'll need to Remove this Add-on then re-Add it.)
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
Great add-on. The defaults remapped the "J" key, what I intended to use this add-on for in the first place, to prevent from accidentally junking messages when I hit it instead of the "n" key for next message!
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (2.1.1).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Thanks for adding comment in old addons, thanks to that I found this addodn!.
I setup all as unset and I am happy when I mistake windows at 3 monitors and start type at TB app :).
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
Thank you for this useful tool.
Do you know why "ctrl+.": "unset" doesn’t work ?
No, I am not sure why it doesn't work. I just tested now and it worked for me.
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