Provider for Google Calendar Version History

53 versions

Be careful with old versions!

These versions are displayed for reference and testing purposes. You should always use the latest version of an add-on.

Version 0.18 126.0 KiB Works with SeaMonkey 2.14 - 2.14.*, Thunderbird 17.0 - 24.*

Version 0.17 138.0 KiB Works with SeaMonkey 2.12 - 2.13.*, Thunderbird 15.0 - 16.*

Version 0.16 154.0 KiB Works with SeaMonkey 2.12 - 2.12.*, Thunderbird 15.0 - 15.*

Version 0.13 59.0 KiB Works with SeaMonkey 2.5a1 - 2.11.*, Thunderbird 8.0a1 - 14.*

Version 0.9 182.0 KiB Works with SeaMonkey 2.5a1 - 2.10.*, Thunderbird 8.0a1 - 14.*

This version fixes the following bug:

bug 735619 - Event is moved from original calendar to primary Google calendar upon editing (regression)."

Version 0.8 166.0 KiB Works with SeaMonkey 2.1 - 2.4.*, Thunderbird 5.0b1 - 7.*

This version of the Provider for Google Calendar REQUIRES a Lightning version between 1.0b4 and 1.0b7. Lightning 1.0b7 REQUIRES Thunderbird 7 or Seamonkey 2.4.

Sunbird 1.0b1 users, please click on "View All Versions" and and make use of the Provider for Google Calendar 0.6b1.

This version is translated into the same locales that are shipped with Lightning 1.0b7. If you would like to use the Provider with a later version of Lightning, you need to use a Provider nightly from the Mozilla FTP Servers.
For compatibility between Lightning and Thunderbird, please see the Calendar Versions page

Note that it is not possible to accept an invitation received via email onto your Google Calendar. To correctly use invitations, please be sure to enable the "Automatically add invitations to my calendar" option, invitations will then automatically be shown in the application's invitation manager or in the calendar views.

Version 0.7.1 111.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.1 - 3.1.*

This version of the Provider for Google Calendar REQUIRES Lightning 1.0b2. Lightning 1.0b2 REQUIRES Thunderbird 3.1 or later.
Sunbird 1.0b1 users, please visit the "previous versions" section and make use of the Provider for Google Calendar 0.6b1.
This version is translated into the same locales that are shipped with Lightning 1.0b2. If you would like to use the Provider with a 1.0b3pre version, you need to use a Provider nightly from :
The same goes for 1.1a1pre, you'll need the Provider nightly from:

Note that it is not possible to accept an invitation received via email onto your Google Calendar. To correctly use invitations, please be sure to enable the "Automatically add invitations to my calendar" option, invitations will then automatically be shown in the application's invitation manager or in the calendar views.

Version 0.7.1 is identical to 0.7 but adds support for Postbox and Lightning Inverse Edition.

Version 0.7 111.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 3.1 - 3.1.*

Version 0.6b1 117.0 KiB Works with SeaMonkey 2.0b2 - 2.0.*, Thunderbird 3.0b4 - 3.0.*

This version of the Provider for Google Calendar REQUIRES Sunbird/Lightning 1.0b1. Lightning 1.0b1 REQUIRES Thunderbird 3.0 or later.
This version also contains all locales that are shipped with Sunbird/Lightning 1.0b1. If you would like to use the Provider with a 1.0b2pre version, you need to use a Provider nightly from :

Even though the version number suggests this is beta level software, it has been tested just as well as the previous releases. The naming is aligned to the Lightning version numbers.

Note that it is not possible to accept an invitation received via email onto your Google Calendar. To correctly use invitations, please be sure to enable the "Automatically add invitations to my calendar" option, invitations will then automatically be shown in the application's invitation manager or in the calendar views.

The following issues were fixed with version 0.6b1:

bug 462317 - Crash [@strlen][@icalmemory_strdup] when closing a recursive event
bug 463079 - Assertion failure, can't load any remote calendars
bug 533713 - gdata-provider.xpi should support SeaMonkey 2
bug 475803 - cal.fromRFC3339 matches fails to set timezone correctly
bug 389088 - Use default alarms defined in Google Calendar, or add support for SMS alarms
bug 474025 - Changing a recurring/repeating event to non-recurring doesn't work
bug 428851 - Accepting Meeting Invites Does Not Update Google Calendar
bug 428544 - Unable to dismiss reminder for repeating events on Google Calendar that have been sync'ed to Outlook with Google Calendar Sync
bug 457890 - Lightning 0.9/Google Calendar 0.5 do not synchronize Google Alarms anymore
bug 456865 - Select Calendar dialog doesn't show Google Calendars when accepting invitations
bug 457830 - Delete extended properties
bug 446512 - Recent nightlies of Lightning cause NULL-pointer dereference crash in TB
bug 424185 - On shared calendars when an alarm comes up calendars are changed to read only and alarms cannot be dismissed
bug 427006 - Timezone offset incorrectly calculated for negative half hour timezones
bug 430254 - Add interfaces to GData for UI code
bug 432653 - All events in all views take the color of the last calendar in my calendars list
bug 443361 - Misleading logon prompt when subscribing to multiple Google calendars
bug 444748 - Get rid of custom timezone service
bug 452818 - getItem() returns no item after an event is created in the Google calendar
bug 453198 - Allow arbitrary reminder times
bug 432579 - Enabling cache for public calendar like US Holidays causes entries to dissappear
bug 437189 - Gdata prov: cannot delete last remaining occurence by "delete this occurence"
bug 429497 - Warning and error nsIInterfaceRequestor in the error console
bug 437921 - Not working with TB 3a2pre by default
bug 409967 - Implement new gCal elements (uid,sequence, syncEvent)
bug 413333 - Offer auto-conversion of google ICS calendars to writable Google Calendars
bug 426153 - Add link to event page in event editing dialog
bug 441246 - Add support for categories in Google Calendar
bug 449177 - Support free-busy querying for the GData Provider
bug 469477 - Move fromRFC3339 from calGoogleUtils.js to calProviderUtils.js
bug 468020 - Regex used to parse RFC3339 dates is incorrect
bug 407961 - Google sends Email reminders to all non-google attendees, 24 hours before the event
bug 523987 - Dismissing alarms doesn't work with Provider for Google Calendar
bug 484089 - Google Calendar fails in Shredder 3.0b3pre with Lightning 1.0pre if a master password is set
bug 536354 - getItem doesn't set calendar for items
bug 507215 - Creating repeating event/task fails [Status Code: 400 Bad Request Body: Entry can not contain both gd:when and gd:recurrence elements]

For a history of previous bugs fixed, please see the release notes of old versions.

Version 0.5.6 107.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 2.0a1 - 2.0.0.*

This version of the Provider for Google Calendar REQUIRES Sunbird/Lightning 0.9
This version also contains all locales that are shipped with Sunbird/Lightning 0.9. If you would like to use the Provider with a 1.0pre version, you need to use a Provider nightly from :

A warning for those of you that have used previous versions (before 0.5), both ATTENDEES and INVITATIONS are enabled and sent by default, due to a Google server bug being fixed.

Note that it is not possible to accept an invitation received via email onto your Google Calendar. To correctly use invitations, please be sure to enable the "Automatically add invitations to my calendar" option, invitations will then automatically be shown in the application's invitation manager or in the calendar views.

Note there are some limitations with alarms, especially on recurring events.

The following issues were fixed with version 0.5.6:

no bug - Adds compatibility for all Lightning versions in the 0.9.* range
This will most likely be the last release for the 0.5 branch.

The following issues were fixed with version 0.5.5:

no bug - Adds compatibility for Postbox 1.1 and Lightning Inverse Edition 0.9.7

The following issues were fixed with version 0.5.4:

no bug - firedrill release to fix regression from previous release

The following issues were fixed with version 0.5.3:

no bug - version bump for Lightning Inverse Edition 0.9.6
bug 507215 - Creating repeating event/task fails [Status Code: 400 Bad Request Body: Entry can not contain both gd:when and gd:recurrence elements]

The following issues were fixed with version 0.5.2:

no bug - Adds compatibility for Postbox and Lightning Inverse Edition 0.9.5

The following issues were fixed with version 0.5.1:

bug 456865 - Select Calendar dialog doesn't show Google Calendars when accepting invitations
bug 457830 - Delete extended properties
bug 457890 - Lightning 0.9/Google Calendar 0.5 do not synchronize Google Alarms anymore

The following issues were fixed with version 0.5

bug 316927 - Multiple categories should be allowed for Events/Tasks
bug 363191 - Handle Timezones more efficiently (Timezone Database)
bug 370150 - API enhancement: additions for group scheduling
bug 424185 - On shared calendars when an alarm comes up calendars are changed to read only and alarms cannot be dismissed
bug 441246 - Add support for categories in Google Calendar
bug 338527 - Load of remote calendar fails if 'Automatic proxy configuration URL' is set
bug 409967 - Implement new gCal elements (uid,sequence, syncEvent)
bug 413333 - Offer auto-conversion of google ICS calendars to writable Google Calendars
bug 427006 - Timezone offset incorrectly calculated for negative half hour timezones
bug 428544 - Unable to dismiss reminder for repeating events on Google Calendar that have been sync'ed to Outlook with Google Calendar Sync
bug 428851 - Accepting Meeting Invites Does Not Update Google Calendar
bug 429497 - Warning and error nsIInterfaceRequestor in the error console
bug 430254 - Add interfaces to GData for UI code
bug 432579 - Enabling cache for public calendar like US Holidays causes entries to dissappear
bug 437189 - Gdata prov: cannot delete last remaining occurence by "delete this occurence"
bug 437921 - Not working with TB 3a2pre by default
bug 443361 - Misleading logon prompt when subscribing to multiple Google calendars
bug 444748 - Get rid of custom timezone service
bug 449177 - Support free-busy querying for the GData Provider
bug 452818 - getItem() returns no item after an event is created in the Google calendar
bug 453198 - Allow arbitrary reminder times
bug 368976 - Cannot undefine alarm for an exception
bug 423172 - Leaks in calRecurrenceInfo
bug 434735 - Consolidate authentication code
bug 426153 - Add link to event page in event editing dialog
bug 432653 - All events in all views take the color of the last calendar in my calendars list
bug 446512 - Recent nightlies of Lightning cause NULL-pointer dereference crash in TB

Version 0.5.5 107.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 2.0a1 - 2.0.0.*

This version of the Provider for Google Calendar REQUIRES Sunbird/Lightning 0.9
This version also contains all locales that are shipped with Sunbird/Lightning 0.9. If you would like to use the Provider with a 1.0pre version, you need to use a Provider nightly from :

A warning for those of you that have used previous versions (before 0.5), both ATTENDEES and INVITATIONS are enabled and sent by default, due to a Google server bug being fixed.

Note that it is not possible to accept an invitation received via email onto your Google Calendar. To correctly use invitations, please be sure to enable the "Automatically add invitations to my calendar" option, invitations will then automatically be shown in the application's invitation manager or in the calendar views.

Note there are some limitations with alarms, especially on recurring events.

The following issues were fixed with version 0.5.5:

no bug - Adds compatibility for Postbox 1.1 and Lightning Inverse Edition 0.9.7

The following issues were fixed with version 0.5.4:

no bug - firedrill release to fix regression from previous release

The following issues were fixed with version 0.5.3:

no bug - version bump for Lightning Inverse Edition 0.9.6
bug 507215 - Creating repeating event/task fails [Status Code: 400 Bad Request Body: Entry can not contain both gd:when and gd:recurrence elements]

The following issues were fixed with version 0.5.2:

no bug - Adds compatibility for Postbox and Lightning Inverse Edition 0.9.5

The following issues were fixed with version 0.5.1:

bug 456865 - Select Calendar dialog doesn't show Google Calendars when accepting invitations
bug 457830 - Delete extended properties
bug 457890 - Lightning 0.9/Google Calendar 0.5 do not synchronize Google Alarms anymore

The following issues were fixed with version 0.5

bug 316927 - Multiple categories should be allowed for Events/Tasks
bug 363191 - Handle Timezones more efficiently (Timezone Database)
bug 370150 - API enhancement: additions for group scheduling
bug 424185 - On shared calendars when an alarm comes up calendars are changed to read only and alarms cannot be dismissed
bug 441246 - Add support for categories in Google Calendar
bug 338527 - Load of remote calendar fails if 'Automatic proxy configuration URL' is set
bug 409967 - Implement new gCal elements (uid,sequence, syncEvent)
bug 413333 - Offer auto-conversion of google ICS calendars to writable Google Calendars
bug 427006 - Timezone offset incorrectly calculated for negative half hour timezones
bug 428544 - Unable to dismiss reminder for repeating events on Google Calendar that have been sync'ed to Outlook with Google Calendar Sync
bug 428851 - Accepting Meeting Invites Does Not Update Google Calendar
bug 429497 - Warning and error nsIInterfaceRequestor in the error console
bug 430254 - Add interfaces to GData for UI code
bug 432579 - Enabling cache for public calendar like US Holidays causes entries to dissappear
bug 437189 - Gdata prov: cannot delete last remaining occurence by "delete this occurence"
bug 437921 - Not working with TB 3a2pre by default
bug 443361 - Misleading logon prompt when subscribing to multiple Google calendars
bug 444748 - Get rid of custom timezone service
bug 449177 - Support free-busy querying for the GData Provider
bug 452818 - getItem() returns no item after an event is created in the Google calendar
bug 453198 - Allow arbitrary reminder times
bug 368976 - Cannot undefine alarm for an exception
bug 423172 - Leaks in calRecurrenceInfo
bug 434735 - Consolidate authentication code
bug 426153 - Add link to event page in event editing dialog
bug 432653 - All events in all views take the color of the last calendar in my calendars list
bug 446512 - Recent nightlies of Lightning cause NULL-pointer dereference crash in TB

Version 0.5.4 107.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 2.0a1 - 2.0.0.*

This version of the Provider for Google Calendar REQUIRES Sunbird/Lightning 0.9
This version also contains all locales that are shipped with Sunbird/Lightning 0.9. If you would like to use the Provider with a 1.0pre version, you need to use a Provider nightly from :

A warning for those of you that have used previous versions (before 0.5), both ATTENDEES and INVITATIONS are enabled and sent by default, due to a Google server bug being fixed.

Note that it is not possible to accept an invitation received via email onto your Google Calendar. To correctly use invitations, please be sure to enable the "Automatically add invitations to my calendar" option, invitations will then automatically be shown in the application's invitation manager or in the calendar views.

Note there are some limitations with alarms, especially on recurring events.

The following issues were fixed with version 0.5.4:

no bug - firedrill release to fix regression from previous release

The following issues were fixed with version 0.5.3:

no bug - version bump for Lightning Inverse Edition 0.9.6
bug 507215 - Creating repeating event/task fails [Status Code: 400 Bad Request Body: Entry can not contain both gd:when and gd:recurrence elements]

The following issues were fixed with version 0.5.2:

no bug - Adds compatibility for Postbox and Lightning Inverse Edition 0.9.5

The following issues were fixed with version 0.5.1:

bug 456865 - Select Calendar dialog doesn't show Google Calendars when accepting invitations
bug 457830 - Delete extended properties
bug 457890 - Lightning 0.9/Google Calendar 0.5 do not synchronize Google Alarms anymore

The following issues were fixed with version 0.5

bug 316927 - Multiple categories should be allowed for Events/Tasks
bug 363191 - Handle Timezones more efficiently (Timezone Database)
bug 370150 - API enhancement: additions for group scheduling
bug 424185 - On shared calendars when an alarm comes up calendars are changed to read only and alarms cannot be dismissed
bug 441246 - Add support for categories in Google Calendar
bug 338527 - Load of remote calendar fails if 'Automatic proxy configuration URL' is set
bug 409967 - Implement new gCal elements (uid,sequence, syncEvent)
bug 413333 - Offer auto-conversion of google ICS calendars to writable Google Calendars
bug 427006 - Timezone offset incorrectly calculated for negative half hour timezones
bug 428544 - Unable to dismiss reminder for repeating events on Google Calendar that have been sync'ed to Outlook with Google Calendar Sync
bug 428851 - Accepting Meeting Invites Does Not Update Google Calendar
bug 429497 - Warning and error nsIInterfaceRequestor in the error console
bug 430254 - Add interfaces to GData for UI code
bug 432579 - Enabling cache for public calendar like US Holidays causes entries to dissappear
bug 437189 - Gdata prov: cannot delete last remaining occurence by "delete this occurence"
bug 437921 - Not working with TB 3a2pre by default
bug 443361 - Misleading logon prompt when subscribing to multiple Google calendars
bug 444748 - Get rid of custom timezone service
bug 449177 - Support free-busy querying for the GData Provider
bug 452818 - getItem() returns no item after an event is created in the Google calendar
bug 453198 - Allow arbitrary reminder times
bug 368976 - Cannot undefine alarm for an exception
bug 423172 - Leaks in calRecurrenceInfo
bug 434735 - Consolidate authentication code
bug 426153 - Add link to event page in event editing dialog
bug 432653 - All events in all views take the color of the last calendar in my calendars list
bug 446512 - Recent nightlies of Lightning cause NULL-pointer dereference crash in TB

Version 0.5.3 107.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 2.0a1 - 2.0.0.*

This version of the Provider for Google Calendar REQUIRES Sunbird/Lightning 0.9
This version also contains all locales that are shipped with Sunbird/Lightning 0.9. If you would like to use the Provider with a 1.0pre version, you need to use a Provider nightly from :

A warning for those of you that have used previous versions (before 0.5), both ATTENDEES and INVITATIONS are enabled and sent by default, due to a Google server bug being fixed.

Note that it is not possible to accept an invitation received via email onto your Google Calendar. To correctly use invitations, please be sure to enable the "Automatically add invitations to my calendar" option, invitations will then automatically be shown in the application's invitation manager or in the calendar views.

Note there are some limitations with alarms, especially on recurring events.

The following issues were fixed with version 0.5.3:

no bug - version bump for Lightning Inverse Edition 0.9.6
bug 507215 - Creating repeating event/task fails [Status Code: 400 Bad Request Body: Entry can not contain both gd:when and gd:recurrence elements]

The following issues were fixed with version 0.5.2:

no bug - Adds compatibility for Postbox and Lightning Inverse Edition 0.9.5

The following issues were fixed with version 0.5.1:

bug 456865 - Select Calendar dialog doesn't show Google Calendars when accepting invitations
bug 457830 - Delete extended properties
bug 457890 - Lightning 0.9/Google Calendar 0.5 do not synchronize Google Alarms anymore

The following issues were fixed with version 0.5

bug 316927 - Multiple categories should be allowed for Events/Tasks
bug 363191 - Handle Timezones more efficiently (Timezone Database)
bug 370150 - API enhancement: additions for group scheduling
bug 424185 - On shared calendars when an alarm comes up calendars are changed to read only and alarms cannot be dismissed
bug 441246 - Add support for categories in Google Calendar
bug 338527 - Load of remote calendar fails if 'Automatic proxy configuration URL' is set
bug 409967 - Implement new gCal elements (uid,sequence, syncEvent)
bug 413333 - Offer auto-conversion of google ICS calendars to writable Google Calendars
bug 427006 - Timezone offset incorrectly calculated for negative half hour timezones
bug 428544 - Unable to dismiss reminder for repeating events on Google Calendar that have been sync'ed to Outlook with Google Calendar Sync
bug 428851 - Accepting Meeting Invites Does Not Update Google Calendar
bug 429497 - Warning and error nsIInterfaceRequestor in the error console
bug 430254 - Add interfaces to GData for UI code
bug 432579 - Enabling cache for public calendar like US Holidays causes entries to dissappear
bug 437189 - Gdata prov: cannot delete last remaining occurence by "delete this occurence"
bug 437921 - Not working with TB 3a2pre by default
bug 443361 - Misleading logon prompt when subscribing to multiple Google calendars
bug 444748 - Get rid of custom timezone service
bug 449177 - Support free-busy querying for the GData Provider
bug 452818 - getItem() returns no item after an event is created in the Google calendar
bug 453198 - Allow arbitrary reminder times
bug 368976 - Cannot undefine alarm for an exception
bug 423172 - Leaks in calRecurrenceInfo
bug 434735 - Consolidate authentication code
bug 426153 - Add link to event page in event editing dialog
bug 432653 - All events in all views take the color of the last calendar in my calendars list
bug 446512 - Recent nightlies of Lightning cause NULL-pointer dereference crash in TB

Version 0.5.2 107.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 2.0a1 - 2.0.0.*

Note: 0.5.2 is only a maintenance release to support Postbox and Lightning 0.9.5 Inverse Edition. The following release notes still apply:

This version of the Provider for Google Calendar REQUIRES Sunbird/Lightning 0.9
This version also contains all locales that are shipped with Sunbird/Lightning 0.9. If you would like to use the Provider with a 1.0pre version, you need to use a Provider nightly from :

An important change in this version is that both ATTENDEES and INVITATIONS are enabled and sent by default, due to a Google server bug being fixed.

Note that it is not possible to accept an invitation received via email onto your Google Calendar. To correctly use invitations, please be sure to enable the "Automatically add invitations to my calendar" option, invitations will then automatically be shown in the application's invitation manager or in the calendar views.

Note there are some limitations with alarms, especially on recurring

The following issues were fixed with version 0.5.1:

bug 456865 - Select Calendar dialog doesn't show Google Calendars when accepting invitations
bug 457830 - Delete extended properties
bug 457890 - Lightning 0.9/Google Calendar 0.5 do not synchronize Google Alarms anymore

The following issues were fixed with version 0.5

bug 316927 - Multiple categories should be allowed for Events/Tasks
bug 363191 - Handle Timezones more efficiently (Timezone Database)
bug 370150 - API enhancement: additions for group scheduling
bug 424185 - On shared calendars when an alarm comes up calendars are changed to read only and alarms cannot be dismissed
bug 441246 - Add support for categories in Google Calendar
bug 338527 - Load of remote calendar fails if 'Automatic proxy configuration URL' is set
bug 409967 - Implement new gCal elements (uid,sequence, syncEvent)
bug 413333 - Offer auto-conversion of google ICS calendars to writable Google Calendars
bug 427006 - Timezone offset incorrectly calculated for negative half hour timezones
bug 428544 - Unable to dismiss reminder for repeating events on Google Calendar that have been sync'ed to Outlook with Google Calendar Sync
bug 428851 - Accepting Meeting Invites Does Not Update Google Calendar
bug 429497 - Warning and error nsIInterfaceRequestor in the error console
bug 430254 - Add interfaces to GData for UI code
bug 432579 - Enabling cache for public calendar like US Holidays causes entries to dissappear
bug 437189 - Gdata prov: cannot delete last remaining occurence by "delete this occurence"
bug 437921 - Not working with TB 3a2pre by default
bug 443361 - Misleading logon prompt when subscribing to multiple Google calendars
bug 444748 - Get rid of custom timezone service
bug 449177 - Support free-busy querying for the GData Provider
bug 452818 - getItem() returns no item after an event is created in the Google calendar
bug 453198 - Allow arbitrary reminder times
bug 368976 - Cannot undefine alarm for an exception
bug 423172 - Leaks in calRecurrenceInfo
bug 434735 - Consolidate authentication code
bug 426153 - Add link to event page in event editing dialog
bug 432653 - All events in all views take the color of the last calendar in my calendars list
bug 446512 - Recent nightlies of Lightning cause NULL-pointer dereference crash in TB

Version 0.5.1 108.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 2.0a1 - 2.0.0.*

This version of the Provider for Google Calendar REQUIRES Sunbird/Lightning 0.9.
This version also contains all locales that are shipped with Sunbird/Lightning 0.9. If you would like to use the Provider with a 1.0pre version, you need to use a Provider nightly from :

An important change in this version is that both ATTENDEES and INVITATIONS are enabled and sent by default, due to a Google server bug being fixed.

Note that it is not possible to accept an invitation received via email onto your Google Calendar. To correctly use invitations, please be sure to enable the "Automatically add invitations to my calendar" option, invitations will then automatically be shown in the application's invitation manager or in the calendar views.

Note there are some limitations with alarms, especially on recurring

The following issues were fixed with version 0.5.1:

bug 456865 - Select Calendar dialog doesn't show Google Calendars when accepting invitations
bug 457830 - Delete extended properties
bug 457890 - Lightning 0.9/Google Calendar 0.5 do not synchronize Google Alarms anymore

The following issues were fixed with version 0.5

bug 316927 - Multiple categories should be allowed for Events/Tasks
bug 363191 - Handle Timezones more efficiently (Timezone Database)
bug 370150 - API enhancement: additions for group scheduling
bug 424185 - On shared calendars when an alarm comes up calendars are changed to read only and alarms cannot be dismissed
bug 441246 - Add support for categories in Google Calendar
bug 338527 - Load of remote calendar fails if 'Automatic proxy configuration URL' is set
bug 409967 - Implement new gCal elements (uid,sequence, syncEvent)
bug 413333 - Offer auto-conversion of google ICS calendars to writable Google Calendars
bug 427006 - Timezone offset incorrectly calculated for negative half hour timezones
bug 428544 - Unable to dismiss reminder for repeating events on Google Calendar that have been sync'ed to Outlook with Google Calendar Sync
bug 428851 - Accepting Meeting Invites Does Not Update Google Calendar
bug 429497 - Warning and error nsIInterfaceRequestor in the error console
bug 430254 - Add interfaces to GData for UI code
bug 432579 - Enabling cache for public calendar like US Holidays causes entries to dissappear
bug 437189 - Gdata prov: cannot delete last remaining occurence by "delete this occurence"
bug 437921 - Not working with TB 3a2pre by default
bug 443361 - Misleading logon prompt when subscribing to multiple Google calendars
bug 444748 - Get rid of custom timezone service
bug 449177 - Support free-busy querying for the GData Provider
bug 452818 - getItem() returns no item after an event is created in the Google calendar
bug 453198 - Allow arbitrary reminder times
bug 368976 - Cannot undefine alarm for an exception
bug 423172 - Leaks in calRecurrenceInfo
bug 434735 - Consolidate authentication code
bug 426153 - Add link to event page in event editing dialog
bug 432653 - All events in all views take the color of the last calendar in my calendars list
bug 446512 - Recent nightlies of Lightning cause NULL-pointer dereference crash in TB

Version 0.5 107.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 2.0a1 - 2.0.0.*

This version of the Provider for Google Calendar REQUIRES Sunbird/Lightning 0.9.
This version also contains all locales that are shipped with Sunbird/Lightning 0.9. If you would like to use the Provider with a 1.0pre version, you need to use a Provider nightly from :

Note there are some limitations with alarms, especially on recurring events. In addition, attendees are DISABLED BY DEFAULT, since many people were unknowingly spamming their office with reminders from google. If you would like to use attendees, you can enable them with the preference in the advanced config editor. Note that all non-google attendees will receive a reminder 24 hours before the event. This reminder cannot be disabled due to a Google Server issue.

The following issues were fixed:

bug 316927 - Multiple categories should be allowed for Events/Tasks
bug 363191 - Handle Timezones more efficiently (Timezone Database)
bug 370150 - API enhancement: additions for group scheduling
bug 424185 - On shared calendars when an alarm comes up calendars are changed to read only and alarms cannot be dismissed
bug 441246 - Add support for categories in Google Calendar
bug 338527 - Load of remote calendar fails if 'Automatic proxy configuration URL' is set
bug 409967 - Implement new gCal elements (uid,sequence, syncEvent)
bug 413333 - Offer auto-conversion of google ICS calendars to writable Google Calendars
bug 427006 - Timezone offset incorrectly calculated for negative half hour timezones
bug 428544 - Unable to dismiss reminder for repeating events on Google Calendar that have been sync'ed to Outlook with Google Calendar Sync
bug 428851 - Accepting Meeting Invites Does Not Update Google Calendar
bug 429497 - Warning and error nsIInterfaceRequestor in the error console
bug 430254 - Add interfaces to GData for UI code
bug 432579 - Enabling cache for public calendar like US Holidays causes entries to dissappear
bug 437189 - Gdata prov: cannot delete last remaining occurence by "delete this occurence"
bug 437921 - Not working with TB 3a2pre by default
bug 443361 - Misleading logon prompt when subscribing to multiple Google calendars
bug 444748 - Get rid of custom timezone service
bug 449177 - Support free-busy querying for the GData Provider
bug 452818 - getItem() returns no item after an event is created in the Google calendar
bug 453198 - Allow arbitrary reminder times
bug 368976 - Cannot undefine alarm for an exception
bug 423172 - Leaks in calRecurrenceInfo
bug 434735 - Consolidate authentication code
bug 426153 - Add link to event page in event editing dialog
bug 432653 - All events in all views take the color of the last calendar in my calendars list
bug 446512 - Recent nightlies of Lightning cause NULL-pointer dereference crash in TB

Version 0.4 91.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 2.0a1 - 3.0a2pre

This version of the Provider for Google Calendar REQUIRES Sunbird/Lightning 0.8.
This version also contains all locales that are shipped with Sunbird/Lightning 0.8. If you would like to use the Provider with a 0.9pre version, you need to use a Provider nightly from :

Note there are some limitations with alarms, especially on recurring events. In addition, attendees are DISABLED BY DEFAULT, since many people were unknowingly spamming their office with reminders from google. If you would like to use attendees, you can enable them with the preference in the advanced config editor. Note that all non-google attendees will receive a reminder 24 hours before the event. This reminder cannot be disabled due to a Google Server issue.

This is the first stable version to support recurrence.

For more information on known limitations, please refer to the FAQ in the wiki link noted above.

The following issues were fixed in Version 0.4:

bug 356569 - [proto subscriptions] No ability to view other people's calendars
bug 362650 - Google Calendar Provider: Support for Recurring Events
bug 379029 - API to reflect provider capabilities
bug 379174 - readonly events should not be dragable in the views
bug 391379 - Does not work behind a proxy with authentication
bug 401263 - Event privacy set to "private" by default; should be set to "default" instead
bug 401710 - Unable to dismiss zero duration events
bug 402407 - PNGs can be re-compressed further.
bug 404085 - Consolidate provider methods into a default calendar implementation
bug 406569 - GData loader fails for lightning
bug 408826 - Errors regarding gdata's superCalendar
bug 409249 - Creating Tasks should return an error
bug 410560 - Quicken standalone build process
bug 411958 - Use tinderboxen to build gdata-provider nightlies
bug 414519 - Recurring event without gd:when breaks parsing
bug 415742 - Alarms on occurrences cannot be dismissed
bug 416240 - Network ics calendar displays online but does not cache for offline access
bug 416851 - Implement offline interfaces for GDATA
bug 420695 - Disable attendees by default
bug 421301 - getItem() doesn't include exceptions in recurring events
bug 423667 - Enable multi-language nightlies

Version 0.3.1 70.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 2.0a1 - 2.0.0.*

0.3.1 is a small maintenance release to fix:

bug 401678 – gdata preferences file is not correctly added
bug 401428 – Google calendars do not show up in any view (missing toString)

Although the setting should happen automatically, if you plan on accepting email invitations from Google please be sure that the advanced preference is set to false. Otherwise all all attendees will receive a separate invitation in reply.

This version of the Provider for Google Calendar REQUIRES Sunbird/Lightning 0.7. If you are using a nightly version, please use the CVS version from

This version also contains all locales that are shipped with Sunbird/Lightning 0.7.
Note there are some limitations with alarms. Please read the wiki page for more information.

The following issues were fixed in Version 0.3:

bug 355226 - Add Support for Attendees to the Google Calendar Provider
bug 379005 - Create Stub Extension that allows tags in Sunbird/Lightning Extensions
bug 381852 - Incorrect call to listener in several functions which manage items
bug 381853 - When calling modifyItem(), it is necessary to set X-GOOGLE-EDITURL for new item
bug 383991 - Full SSL support for Calendars
bug 385743 - Update from password manager to the new LoginManager on Trunk
bug 386370 - Provide more localization possibilities
bug 388735 - GData Provider creates events off by one hour for timezones with fractional offsets
bug 389397 - Use async providers -> reload remote calendars doesn't work
bug 391062 - jsDate property is not correctly invalidated upon calDateTime modification
bug 391506 - Remove custom calUtils.js from gdata provider
bug 397727 - Incorrect DateTime format for Calendar request
bug 400871 - General listener is called even when not defined

Version 0.3 69.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 2.0a1 - 2.0.0.*

If you cannot see your events after an upgrade to version 0.3 and are seeing similar problems as in
please be patient, I will be releasing a new version approximately this week!

This version of the Provider for Google Calendar REQUIRES Sunbird/Lightning 0.7 or later.
This version also contains all locales that are shipped with Sunbird/Lightning 0.7.
Note there are some limitations with alarms. Please read the wiki page for more information.

The following issues were fixed:

bug 355226 - Add Support for Attendees to the Google Calendar Provider
bug 379005 - Create Stub Extension that allows tags in Sunbird/Lightning Extensions
bug 381852 - Incorrect call to listener in several functions which manage items
bug 381853 - When calling modifyItem(), it is necessary to set X-GOOGLE-EDITURL for new item
bug 383991 - Full SSL support for Calendars
bug 385743 - Update from password manager to the new LoginManager on Trunk
bug 386370 - Provide more localization possibilities
bug 388735 - GData Provider creates events off by one hour for timezones with fractional offsets
bug 389397 - Use async providers -> reload remote calendars doesn't work
bug 391062 - jsDate property is not correctly invalidated upon calDateTime modification
bug 391506 - Remove custom calUtils.js from gdata provider
bug 397727 - Incorrect DateTime format for Calendar request
bug 400871 - General listener is called even when not defined

Version 0.2.1 39.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 2.0a1 - 3.0a1

This version fixes the bug(s) induced by the latest Google Calendar update.

bug 380155 - Alarms value is incorrect since Google's reminder updates

Note there are some limitations with alarms. Please read the wiki page for more information.

Version 0.2 39.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 2.0a1 - 3.0a1

The following bugs were fixed:
362648 - Support for Alarms

Version 0.1.1 37.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 2.0a1 - 3.0a1

The following bugs were fixed:
374772 - Multiday events are shown one day too short
375201 - Typo in attribute name

Version 0.1 37.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 2.0a1 - 3.0a1

This is the first release. It contains many limitations as noted under