Search Tools
3,775 add-ons
CultureHive search by tarasyoung
0 weekly downloads
Adds the option to search the CultureHive website for resources on cultural marketing, fundraising and management. Suche by webclix
0 weekly downloads
Fügt eine Suchfunktion für die Seite Sprachenlernen24 in der Suchleiste (Suchbox) hinzu. Finden Sie Sprachkurse in verschiedenen Lernstufen für mehr als 70 Sprachen.
Archlinux Search by EduRebecca
0 weekly downloads
Archlinux Package Search on official site - By: EduRebecca
TRAMPOS.CO Busca integrada para Firefox by EduRebecca
0 weekly downloads
Procure por vagas no TRAMPOS.CO direto do Firefox - By: EduRebecca
search: by
0 weekly downloads
Buscador de oportunidades nas áreas de Comunicação e Tecnologia da Informação no
Virtual Manuscript Room, INTF by Christian Askeland
0 weekly downloads
Search the digital archives of the Institut für neutestamentliche Textforschung.
Online Shops Search by ipduh
0 weekly downloads
Search across the major online shops that offer worldwide shipping
awmn by ipduh
0 weekly downloads
Search Internet facing Athens Wireless Metropolitan Network ( AWMN ) resources
SulekhaSearch by Pavan
0 weekly downloads
One search for all your local needs. Be it a local business, pg or property to rent or buy, you can find it on Search from a list of 30 Lakh businesses through this plugin.
Cool Places by CoolPlaces
0 weekly downloads
Suche auf Cool Places - Die Erlebnis-Suchmaschine
AmazonUKFreeShip by Joedal
0 weekly downloads
This plugin searches Amazon UK but only shows results which qualify for free shipping.
Dev Addict Developer Search by Elter Ago
0 weekly downloads
Search engine for developers that searches for tutorials, as well as through README's and video training sites.
Lingea Slovak-English dictionary by vilo
0 weekly downloads
Dictionary - Translates both ways: Slovak <-> English
hurbay by hurbay
0 weekly downloads
Use to search the Web, Videos, Images, News and more.
Busca BhCidadão 0.1 by José Juvenil Wille
0 weekly downloads
Este simples motor de buscas permite fazer uma busca no site antes mesmo de visitá-lo, este é um site criado para todos os Belo-Horizontinos
RomajiDesu by Troy Pracy
0 weekly downloads
Romaji Desu japanese dictionary search (romaji input)
Search-Baixa.GA by Gabriel Bonjorno Diniz
0 weekly downloads
Baixa Search,Pesquise na web com esse complemento que é um show aparte
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