SeaMonkey favorites
by Bebo10only
About this Collection
My favorite SeaMonkey add-ons, contains the best in security, privacy, and utilities. Don't install a lot of add-ons as it will slow application start time, use more memory, and more CPU.
66 Add-ons in this Collection
Whois & Flags Firefox & Websites Popularity Rating
3 users
Display Country Flag indicating Website Physical Location (Country, State, City). Website Popularity (Live Visitor Statistics). Shows how many users are visiting any World Website per day. Website IP IPv6 Addresses, DNS, Hosting. IP Whois Lookup
Wikipedia (SSL)
by SSL Search Bar
23 weekly downloads
Wikipedia is an openly-editable, free content internet encyclopedia. This search bar add-on utilizes SSL to protect searches between You and Wikipedia.
Collector's Note Very good
From/To Column
by Jonathan Kamens
1 user
Add a “From/To” column which shows the recipient if you are the sender.
Collector's Note Didn't install or test
lolifox - Fierr MOD
by Virtual_ManPL, RealityRipple
4 users
Replaces the error page with a lolifox appearance with additional features.
by Nils Maier
0 users
Easily browse through sequenced URLs
Collector's Note Didn't install or test
YouTube Anywhere Player
by Diego Casorran
4 users
Watch videos anywhere in cinema mode without leaving the website you're on.
Collector's Note Didn't install or test
Edit Bookmark Plus
by Kashif Iqbal Khan
6 users
Resize 'Add Bookmark' Popup / 'Edit This Bookmark' Popup, fixes tree selection bug, option to disable popup auto close & Update Url and/or Name of a bookmark with the Url/Title of current page.
Replacement of OpenBook addon
Collector's Note Didn't install or test
Config Descriptions
by Dave G
8 users
Shows source comments for advanced application preferences in about:config
Collector's Note Excellent, must have
Duplicate This Tab
by vinay
20 users
This add-on provides the much needed feature update of Tab Duplication to Mozilla Browsers. Features Supported include Duplication of Browser Tabs, Detaching Tabs and Merging All Windows.
Collector's Note Didn't install or test
Acronym Finder
by Jeremy Morton
12 weekly downloads
Find acronym definitions quickly and easily.
Collector's Note Very good
Qtorrents Search
by Qlabs
10 weekly downloads
Search plugin for The ultimate source for searching verified torrents and high quality downloads.
Collector's Note Good
1-click Online Document View
by vinay
7 users
Open DOC, DOCX, PDF, PPT, PPTX and TIFF files linked in any webpage directly with Google Docs viewer using "1-click Online Document View", with a single left-click of your mouse / trackpad!!
Collector's Note Didn't install or test
by flod
3 users
(Sorry, no plans to port this add-on to Webextensions)
BBCodeXtra is an extension, compatible with Mozilla FireFox (up to 57) and Seamonkey, which adds to the context menu new commands to insert BBCode/Html/XHtml codes in an easy and fast way...
Collector's Note Didn't install or test
by RealityRipple
3 users
Replaces the error page with a more stylish appearance with additional features.
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