Reviews for Provider for Google Calendar
1,662 reviews for this add-on
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
since 1.04 I keep getting sync problems with Google Calendars - every appointment forces a dialog.
Down-graded to 1.03 which improves slightly but it's still there but not quite has annoying - still can't dismiss appointments and have to close dialog to get rid of it.
Are you working on trying to fix this problem or is this something local to my setup?
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
I'm using this add-on in an Arch Linux installation, and every time I start up Thunderbird I have to contend with at least three logins from Google. It doesn't seem to be able to remember my login information.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (1.0.4).Rated 3 out of 5 stars
This addon has been working very fine, but since a few days, it makes Thunderbird unresponsive. I tried everything: un- and re-installing the extension, Thunderbird, even moved from Linux Mint to Fedora 21 to Ubuntu 15. Always find the same behavior as soon as I add one google calendar. Something may have changed on Google side also.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (1.0.4).Rated 4 out of 5 stars
Good but makes Thunderbird slow unresponsive and not responding very well.
I have 3 google calendars, including a shared one.
The script hangs, for instance, with the error Unresponsive Script in
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
1.04 simply is not working properly for me. It is not syncing all data from my Google Calendar. If I enter new entries directly on Google Calendar, it wont show up in Lightning.
Deleting the plugin, and re-installing it makes things worse. When syncing for the first time, less than half of the content on my Google Calendar will show up in Lightning.
Unfortunately, this is not the first time an update of this plugin causes problems with my Google Calendar sync.
HOW I FIXED IT: I reverted back to 1.03, and all is working fine now.
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
No calendar entries in sight, so I followed the advice from a 5-star review here called "Works for me!!!". The author writes:
"I deleted the google calendar and re-added it and everything was back."
The same applies for me. But I don't share the opinion that this method means that it "works", or that it should be rated 5 stars.
If the plugin reliably shows the calendar entries and gives alarms, it *works*.
If the plugin at any time does *not* show the existing calendar entries, and/or misses to give an alarm - without warnings - it is not reliable and is frankly *not working*.
For a program to "work", it is not enough to "seem working for the time being". For software quality, there is a time perspective, there is a reliability aspect, and there can be a comparison with having a live person doing the job. Would it be accepted if a person behaved the same way, suddenly disappearing without a trace?
Apart from this, when it "works", it most often does its job quite well. Sometimes lots of old alarms come back, which is very annoying in the long run. All in all, 3 stars with lots of possibilities to reach 5! :-)
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
There is very annoying bug since 2011 - a password prompt for every calendar, which makes the addon hardly usable if you have many calendars (see Otherwise it is great extension.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (1.0.4).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
There are quite a few people giving the developer of this add-on a hard time and bitching like he owed you something. Instead of complaining and insulting him, you should thank him. As far as I know he is doing this for free and I doubt that the occasional donation money will suffice for anything else than coffee.
I recently made the switch from an obsolete version of this add-on (before v. 1.0.x) to the most recent version (v. 1.0.4). The new version IS working and it is working fine. Better than the old versions, in fact. In order to make it work I did this: Completely remove all of your Google calendar subscriptions from Lightning and the stored password for your Google account. Then restart Thunderbird. Open Lightning and then File / New / Calendar / On the network / Google calendar. Then follow the instructions. A list with the available calendars of your Google account will eventually emerge and you can just choose by clicking the ones you wish to sync with Lightning. All of you haters must admit this is a lot more convenient than the old way of manually adding each calendar by clicking through a maze of settings in Gmail and then pasting in Lightning.
If you use a master password there WILL be a prompt for each of the Google calendars you have chosen to sync. This IS very annoying, but to some extent this bug has been plaguing Thunderbird for several years in various forms and it would be unfair to say that such a problem has only ever occurred with this extension. Nevertheless it is unbearable with lots of calendars. Luckily there is a solution, that the developer has already mentioned a couple of times: Install the extension Startup Master ( It will solve the problem and you will only be prompted for the master password once. This extension seems to delay the loading of the accounts, extensions and stuff until AFTER the master password is given by the user. This should be the default behavior in Thunderbird, but it is not. There are other extensions claiming to be able to suppress multiple master password prompts, but this is the only one I’ve tried that actually works and that won’t cripple the ability to sync the calendars.
So, all in all, here we have a guy who is dedicating his spare time to write an extension that will enable us to use Google calendars together with customizable open source software. It must be a pretty tedious and tiresome task to try to keep up with the constant changes in the Google API:s, but as far as I can see he has done a pretty good job. Google may claim that their continuous tampering is related to enhanced security, but that is probably not the entire truth. They are obviously trying to push people away from using anything else than their own browser by making it harder to employ the alternatives. Guys like the developer of this add-on are a healthy antidote to that. He’s doing a great job and he’s doing it for free. I lift my hat off for that and say thank you very much.
For anyone still longing for the old days when calendars had to be manually added, there is also hope for you. Check out post number 21 in this thread:
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
v1.04 with Lightning 3.3.3 and Thunderbird 31.5.0 on Linux Mint 17.1
After updating to the current version I saw I had no calendar entries so I deleted the google calendar and re-added it and everything was back. HTH
Rated 2 out of 5 stars
This used to be a very good addon which was reliable. Quality and version control has slipped and stay on what you have if it works.
I will look at moving off this addon when I get the time. What a shame but enough is enough. Given two stars as in the past it was easily a 5 star :(
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
This is probably a good product (I don't know yet, because I've just started using it) but it REALLY REALLY needs some clear, simple installation instructions. I spend an hour trying to figure out how to use this thing. (I know the provided instructions seem clear to the author of the software, but they were anything but clear to me.)
The product author was very responsive to the installation problem I had, and is probably going to take some steps to make the process clearer. In addition, I've been using the product for a while now and it has functioned flawlessly. As a result of these things, I've changed my review from 1-star to 5-stars.
Hey Harry, sorry it turns out to be so complicated. Please contact me via email so I can better understand which part is causing trouble.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Ich benutze das Add-On jetzt schon mehrere Jahre und bin sehr zufrieden. Anfangs hatte mir noch der Support für Aufgaben gefehlt, der inzwischen auch vorhanden ist. Google Kalender laufen über das Add-On absolut stabil und ich kann meine Termine einfach verwalten. Vor ein paar Monaten gab es mal kurzfristig ein paar Probleme, da der Entwickler auf eine neue Api von Google wechseln musste, da Google ja leider regelmäßig seine Dienste ändert und das das Leben von Entwicklern alles andere als erleichtert. Aber nach ein paar Anfangsproblemen, bei denen man nicht mehr zuverlässig auf den Kalender zugreifen konnte, wurde das jetzt auch gelöst. Es ist jetzt sogar viel komfortabler, da man nicht mehr die Kalender-Adresse aus dem webbasierten Kalender in Thunderbird rüber kopieren muss, sondern direkt aus Thunderbird heraus auswählen kann, welche Kalender aus dem Google Konto angezeigt werden sollen.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (1.0.4).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
UPDATE: It looks that installing Startupmaster (, as Philipp suggested, solved all problems. This make me think that previous problems came from unfortunate Thunderbird design, so I'm changing rate :) Thank you Philipp for solution.
I had always problems with this add-on. Few was not too annoying, like spawning many master password windows, occasionally disabling calendars, asking for Google password every Thunderbird restart. Some very annoying, like inability to dismiss event alert. But today I had to remove it because it's got crazy and has broken thunderbird (it was spawning dozens of empty windows, disabling all extensions, asking for google password every minute). That was too much.
Please try installing the Startupmaster extension in addition to the Provider.
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
Calender works perfect but tasks do not update in real time even after manually syncing them. The delay makes it hard to micro manage tasks.
Please fix since it seems to become a problem just recently. Also it seems its only for receiving updates i.e. I make a change via my mobile and sync with google, but the change doesnt appear on the provider. IF i change the task on the provider it'll sync properly and timely with google.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
works perfectly!
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (1.0.4).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
It's great. it has a fantastic integration and look like the original Calendar of the web version. Congratulations
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (1.0.3).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Has been reliable for me for a while now since the big API changes. Thank you so much for making this. It makes my life much better. Even when it wasn't working great it was at least some way to access google cals from Thunderbird. Don't let the entitled complainers get you down.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (1.0.3).Rated 1 out of 5 stars
It still doesn't work for me. I still get "The Calendar XXX is momentarily unavailable" and can't dismiss any reminders as a result. It still shows all the events ....
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (1.0.3).Rated 4 out of 5 stars
Great, although it took me some time to figure out how to combine/sync the calendars from my Google accounts.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (1.0.3).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
When you have instal a old version before and its not working or only 1 day do this (not mine solution!):
1. Uninstalled Provider & Lightning, shut down TB.
2. Removed the calendar-data folder
you find it here ( C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\Profiles\uvvvzg0u.default)
3. Checked the folder for any Provider folders or files, if yes delete it
4. Edited prefs.js, and removed ALL references to calendar (there were numerous entries)
5. Re-started TB, and ensured everything was gone.
6. Reinstalled Lightning. Local Calendar was created
7. Rebooted TB, just to be sure.
8. Reinstalled Provider,
9 add your google mail account
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.