Search Tools
3,775 add-ons
Maven Repository
by fralexisthomas
0 weekly downloads
Use to search for Java and Maven artifacts in Maven Repository.
Megashares Search
by Abdulrhman-MJ
0 weekly downloads
Search for uploaded file in Megashares only for the Premium Users
Amazon Français
by Amazonman
0 weekly downloads : livres, DVD, jeux vidéo, CD, lecteurs MP3, ordinateurs, appareils photo, logiciels et plus encore !
Lelong Search
by Adnan Mohd Shukor
0 weekly downloads
This add-on allows you to quickly perform search on Lelong product from your Firefox browser.
server6 search
by bacVake
0 weekly downloads
Server 6 - The Professional Web Directory!
Server 6 - Der Profi-Webkatalog!
Google Namibia SSL AF
by bacVake
0 weekly downloads
Google Namibia SSL soek in Afrikaans
Google Namibia Afrikaans SSL.
Hierdie search plugin gebruik Google Namibië SSL in Engels vir sy soektog.
Google Namibia SSL EN
by bacVake
0 weekly downloads
Google Namibia SSL search in English
Isnare Dict
by Glenn Prialde
0 weekly downloads
Free Lookup For Definitions, Synonyms, Antonyms And More...
Google Suid-Afrika AF
by bacVake
0 weekly downloads
Google Suid-Afrika soek in Afrikaans
Google South Africa EN
by bacVake
0 weekly downloads
Google South Africa search in English
Google Suid-Afrika SSL AF
by bacVake
0 weekly downloads
Google Suid-Afrika SSL soek in Afrikaans
Amazon en France avec suggestions de recherche
by sbrufri
0 weekly downloads
Amazon en France et en français outil de recherche: Recherches, avec suggestions, sur le site français Amazon. Achat et vente en ligne parmi une large sélection de produits : high-tech, jouets, livres, cds, dvds, articles de mode et pour la maison.
Amazon™ Canada
by TCS Media
0 weekly downloads
Enable you to search the™ catalog by placing product search boxes on your Browser.
Amazon in Italia
by sbrufri
0 weekly downloads
Amazon in Italia search plugin. Searches on the Italian Amazon website.
Ricerca Amazon™
by TCS Media
0 weekly downloads
Aggiungere facilmente 'Cerca' questa estensione rilevante nel tuo browser. Cerca versione 1.6.0 stabile. File (tutte le piattaforme) Creato il 20 Febbraio 2013
Amazon en España
by sbrufri
0 weekly downloads
Amazon en España search plugin. Searches on the Spanish Amazon website.
Amazon livres françaises en Canada
by sbrufri
0 weekly downloads
Amazon livres françaises en Canada search plugin. Searches for French books on the French Canadian Amazon website.
Additional Resources
- Learn more about the search bar in Firefox
- Browse through even more search providers at
- Make your own search tool
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.