Search Tools
3,775 add-ons
Buscador Teclo
by Webmaster
0 weekly downloads
Buscador en español que combina en los resultados textos e imagenes.
Hausbau-Hilfe Schnellsuche
by Stefan Rick
0 weekly downloads
Hilfe rund um das Thema Hausbau. Online Informationen von Experten helfen Ihnen bei der Bewertung Ihrer Bauvorhaben und Schwierigkeiten beim Bau. Dabei werden viele Themen von Baurecht, Bauplanung bis Finanzierung und Bauüberwachung besprochen.
by sumobaum
0 weekly downloads - #1 Germanys Nulled Source - Suchplugin für unsere Community
Budget Accommodation
by budgetaccommodation
0 weekly downloads
The best hotels and deals comparison engine with reviews from trusted sources only search suggestion
by redcoonIT
0 weekly downloads
Ricerca veloce su Trova subito i prodotti che cerchi!
The official issue from! UK with search suggestions
by Otto Meyer
0 weekly downloads UK searches on the website Online shopping from a big selection of books, magazines, music, CDs, DVDs, MP3s, videos, electronics, computers, software, videogames, apparel & accessories, shoes, jewelry, tools & hardware.
Ragnarok Renewal Monster Search
by eralp
0 weekly downloads
Arama motorunuza 'Ragnarok Renewal Yaratık Arama' kutusu ekler.
Mazoom search
by Joe
0 weekly downloads
The official Mazoom search add-on for Firefox.
Mazoom is a mobile content search engine and will only connect you to websites and HTML5 apps that have been built with your smartphone in mind.
Mazoom - A mobile search engine, for a mobile world.
by Topical Search
0 weekly downloads
Search in academic institutions around the world
Wikinews search plugin
by Svetlana Tkachenko
0 weekly downloads
This is a search plugin to browse the Wikinews website, a news source you can write - a project of the Wikimedia Foundation.
Amazon Germany search
by vinc46
0 weekly downloads
Amazon Germany search plugin. Searches on the German Amazon website
by FlectSearch
0 weekly downloads
The Most Advanced, Simple and Secure Search Engine Around
by Maik Schindler
0 weekly downloads
... the search engine for - Know what was reviewed, when and how ...
by Maik Schindler
0 weekly downloads
... le moteur de recherche pour les tests - connaître tous les résultats ...
Budy Rar
by Gabriel Bonjorno Diniz
0 weekly downloads
Desenvolvido por Big God o seu site de web busca diferente
Additional Resources
- Learn more about the search bar in Firefox
- Browse through even more search providers at
- Make your own search tool
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.